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We believe the creation of a defensive state at the heart of Euroasia should be to the benefit of the citizenry and promote peace and democracy in the world.

CPH Havneringen: Hvilke interventioner er relevante ?

Uncategorised Posted on Mon, February 19, 2024 20:49:55

Sikkerhed: Faste politi-patruljer langs havneringen med Segways med seks betjente af gangen med 200m mellemrum i sommerhalvåret, cykelpatruljer samt hestepatrul-jer.

Finansiering af en sådan handlingsplan kan være en udfordring, da det kræver en betydelig investering i havneområdets udvikling og vedligeholdelse. Der er dog nogle mulige kilder til finansiering, som kan overvejes, såsom:

  • Statslige og kommunale tilskud: Der kan søges om støtte fra forskellige puljer, som har til formål at fremme cyklisme, bæredygtighed, klimatilpasning, byliv og kultur i byerne. For eksempel har Københavns Kommune tidligere modtaget midler fra Cykelpuljen til etablering og markedsføring af Havneringen.
  • Private sponsorer og samarbejdspartnere: Der kan indgås aftaler med private virksomheder, organisationer eller fonde, som har interesse i at bidrage til havneringens udvikling og profilering. For eksempel kan der tilbydes navngivning, reklameplads, events eller andre former for modydelser til sponsorerne.
  • Brugerbetaling og indtægtsdannelse: Der kan opkræves et mindre beløb fra brugerne af havneringens faciliteter og services, som kan gå til at dække nogle af drifts- og vedligeholdelsesomkostningerne. For eksempel kan der være en entré til badezonerne, en lejepris for bådene eller en parkeringsafgift for bilerne. Der kan også skabes indtægter fra salg af mad, drikke, souvenirs eller andre produkter relateret til havneringen.æsentationen/møde-30112017/referat/punkt-34

IGC25 – Reflections on structure and selected policies

Uncategorised Posted on Mon, February 19, 2024 01:16:28

The Lisboa-Treaties: How do we revise the policies?

As a citizen of a small country, I am concerned not only with the form of the treaty but also with the objectives of the policies. This post deals with the structure of the treaties and the individual policies, but not all of them.

Let’s have a look at the overall structure of the Lisboa-treaty:

 Objectives and Legal Principles:

Democratic Principles:

Legal Personality and International Agreements:


In so far as the structure of the post-Lisboa Treaty, the following observations have been made:

Structure of the Post-Lisbon Treaty:

  1. Two-Pillar Approach:
    • Some scholars argue that the post-Lisbon setup resembles a two-pillar structure:
      • The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) provides the first pillar, covering economic matters, internal market, and competencies.
      • The Treaty on the European Union (TEU), particularly its provisions on the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), constitutes the second pillar. This might be explored -it was a British idea to seperate External Relations from the CFSP, but perhaps the wiser cource of action is to introduce cautious changes. For instance, the EEAS could be renamed the European Foreign Service of the EU Commission and the High Representative the External Relations Commissioner. The end-goal, however, must be clear: Foreign Policy must become an exclusive competence of the European Diplomatic Service of the Eu Commission. Many member states are already down-sizing their bilateral embassies in the EU. What do you think ?
  2. Enhanced Efficiency and Democracy:
  3. Deepening and Widening:

Approximating to the Erstwhile Constitution:

  1. Referencing the Constitution:
    • Rather than directly incorporating the constitution, the post-Lisbon Treaty could explicitly reference its principles and values. This maintains flexibility while acknowledging its historical significance.
  2. Preamble Emphasis:
    • A robust preamble in the treaty could reaffirm the EU’s commitment to fundamental rights, democratic values, and shared objectives. This gentle approach highlights continuity.
  3. Expanded Scope:
    • Consider expanding the Treaty’s scope to address emerging issues (e.g., digital rights and environmental protection) while respecting local sensitivities.

Balancing Act:

  • Delicate diplomacy is crucial. Engage with local elites, seek their input, and emphasize the benefits of alignment without undermining their interests.
  • Highlight how constitutional principles enhance the EU’s legitimacy and effectiveness.

In summary, a thoughtful approach that acknowledges historical context, involves stakeholders and balances continuity with adaptation can help approximate the post-Lisbon Treaty to the erstwhile constitution without causing an undue backlash.

The Treaty of Lisbon, which amends the Treaty on the European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community, introduced significant changes to the European Union’s structure and competencies. Let’s delve into the competence catalogue of Title 1 articles 2A-F, and explore potential ways to strengthen or redistribute these competencies.

  1. Types of Competences:
    1. The Treaty of Lisbon distinguishes between three types of competences:
      1. Exclusive Competence: Member States only implement in areas where the Union alone can legislate.
      1. Shared Competence: Member States can legislate and adopt legally binding measures if the Union has not done so.
      1. Supporting Competence: The EU adopts measures to support or complement Member States’ actions
  2. Strengthening Competencies:
    1. To enhance the effectiveness of the Union, competences could be strengthened by:
      1. Harmonizing Regulations: Ensuring consistent rules across Member States regarding trade, environment, and consumer protection.
      1. Empowering EU Institutions: Granting more authority to the European Parliament and the European Commission.
      1. Investing in Research and Innovation: Strengthening the EU’s role in technology development and scientific advancements.
  3. Redistributing Competences:
    1. Consider redistributing competences based on:
      1. Subsidiarity: Assessing whether some issues are better handled at the EU or national level.
      1. Proportionality: Ensuring that EU intervention is proportionate to the issue.
      1. Democratic Accountability: Involving citizens and national parliaments in decision-making.
      1. Emerging Challenges: Addressing new challenges like cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and digital transformation.

A thoughtful review of competencies and strategic adjustments can strengthen the EU’s capacity to address contemporary challenges and foster a more cohesive and effective Union.

Let´s now turn our attention to the singular policies of the Treaty.

Charter for Fundamental Rights

I propose reinserting the Charter for Fundamental Rights at the top of the Treaties and making it legally binding when EU law is applied and within the Member states’ legal order when they apply both Eu law and national law.

Pros of Incorporating the Charter into Treaties:

  1. Enhanced Legal Force: By integrating the Charter into the treaties, its provisions, which are already legally binding, gain in stature, coherence and potency. This means that individuals can rely on the Charter in national courts and before the European Court of Justice (ECJ) without the need for implementing legislation and confusion.
  2. Visibility and Awareness: Elevating the Charter to treaty status would increase its visibility and awareness among EU citizens. It becomes a central reference point for fundamental rights protection.
  3. Uniform Application: Treating the Charter as part of the treaties ensures uniform application across all EU Member States. It eliminates variations in interpretation and implementation.

Cons of Incorporating the Charter into Treaties:

  1. Amendment Difficulty: Treaty amendments require unanimity among Member States. Incorporating the Charter would necessitate a cumbersome process, potentially leading to delays or resistance.
  2. Flexibility Concerns: The Charter allows for more interpretation flexibility as a standalone document. Treaty provisions are often more rigid and may not adapt well to evolving societal needs.
  3. Risk of Dilution: Some fear merging the Charter with the treaties might dilute its strong human rights protections. Treaty provisions cover many topics, and fundamental rights could get lost.

Proposals for Revising and Updating the Charter:

  1. Explicitly Referencing the Charter: The treaties could explicitly reference the Charter as a guiding document rather than full incorporation. This maintains flexibility while emphasizing its importance.
  2. Charter Preamble: Including a preamble in the treaties that reaffirms the Charter’s significance could strike a balance between visibility and flexibility.
  3. Regular Review Mechanism: Establishing a periodic review process for the Charter ensures that it remains relevant and up-to-date. This could involve consultations with civil society, legal experts, and EU institutions.
  4. Expanded Scope: Consider expanding the Charter’s scope to address emerging issues (e.g., digital rights, environmental rights) and ensuring its applicability beyond EU law.

In conclusion, reinserting the Charter into the treaties involves a delicate balance between legal force, flexibility, and practicality. Regardless of the approach, safeguarding fundamental rights remains paramount in the EU’s legal framework. It must be legally binding at both EU and MS Levels and must be encoraged to be invoked by legal practioneers and applied by the Courts -it already has a legal status similiar to the Treaty,i.e. it has constituional rank. Training must be provided on the implementation of its provisions at the EU and member state level, and hefty fines meeted out for those violating its require-ments to prevent miscalculations about what it means to be a human being and the portend of the EU’s ambition about man.

Eu citizenship

The concept of citizenship originates from Spain’s encounter with the Indians in the Americas and their presence in metropolitan Spain. Spain also introduced the idea into the Maastricht Treaty by giving its citizens unique rights. EU citizenship is a unique concept that complements but does not replace national citizenship. Here are the current clauses related to EU citizenship:

  1. Basis of EU Citizenship:
  2. Rights of EU Citizens: EU citizens have the following rights:
    • Non-Discrimination: EU citizens cannot be discriminated against based on nationality.
    • Free Movement: The right to move and reside freely within the EU.
    • Voting and Candidacy: Eligibility to vote and be a candidate in European Parliament and municipal elections.
    • Consular Protection: Assistance from any other EU country’s embassy or consulate when in distress outside the EU.
    • Petition and Complaints: The right to petition the European Parliament and complain to the European Ombudsman.
    • European Citizens’ Initiative: The ability to launch or support initiatives for EU legislation.
    • Language Access: The right to contact and receive responses from any EU institution in one of the EU’s official languages.
  3. EU Citizenship Reports:
  4. Eurobarometer Surveys:
  5. Investor Citizenship Schemes:
  6. Knowing Your Rights and Getting Help:

The best-known legal commentary on the citizen directive is by Professor Elspeth Guild. The EU Citizenship Directive defines the right of free movement for European Economic Area (EEA) citizens. It applies to EU citizens and their family members who move to visit or reside in another Member State. While seemingly straightforward, questions arise: Who determines a person’s EU citizenship? What about dual citizens of two Member States or one Member State and a non-member State? How does the Directive address EU citizens who move to one Member State and then return home?

This comprehensive commentary on the EU’s Citizens’ Directive traces its evolution, placing each article in a historical and legislative context. It emphasizes connections between provisions, allowing a global understanding of the system of free movement rights. Annotations include detailed analyses of Court of Justice case law and related measures impacting interpretation, such as European Commission reports and guidelines on implementation. The Directive covers general provisions, right of exit and entry, residence, permanent residence, restrictions, and final provisions. If you’re interested in EU law and the intricacies of citizenship rights, this commentary provides valuable insights.

Supranational Citizenship by Lynn Dobson offers a coherent and innovative conception of citizenship that transcends specific nation-states. Her point raises more significant questions about its social and moral order, justice, stability, and cohesion,i.e., whether the EU can claim a demos, how state-like it may be, and whether it should have a written Constitution. The book explores the changing nature of citizenship, European integration, and international relations. Key points include:

  • Citizenship Beyond Nation-States: Dobson theorizes a citizenship independent of any particular political organization. It’s not merely a status but an institutional role enabling individuals to shape their lives and promote freedom and well-being.
  • European Union Context: The book relates this conception of citizenship to topical EU issues:
    • Democracy and Legitimate Authority: How citizenship functions in a supranational context.
    • Non-National Political Community: Examining citizenship beyond national borders.
    • Supranational Constitution: Understanding the EU’s constitutional framework.
  • Philosophical Foundations: Dobson draws on ideas from philosopher Alan Gewirth to argue that political institutions are normatively evaluated in light of their effectuating a person’s moral rights to freedom and well-being. It argues the critical consideration is the constitution of legitimate political authority, not the form of political organization. A necessary condition for such authority is citizenship. In turn, effective institutionalization and exercise of the citizen’s rights require capacities only the constitutional context can enable and resources only it can provide.

In summary, “Supranational Citizenship” challenges traditional notions of citizenship and explores its relevance in a changing global landscape.

Let’s explore ways to enhance these provisions:

  1. Strengthening Democratic Participation and Inclusion:
  2. Effective Exercise of Voting Rights:
    • Accessibility: Simplify voting procedures for EU citizens residing in other Member States.
    • Awareness: Promote awareness of voting rights and facilitate absentee voting.
  3. Facilitating Free Movement and Daily Life:
  4. Protecting and Promoting EU Citizenship:
  5. Promoting EU Values:
    • Education: Integrate EU values and cultural citizenship into education curricula.
    • Digital Literacy: Foster awareness of digital rights and responsibilities.
  6. Solidarity Within and Beyond the EU:

In summary, reinforcing democratic engagement, simplifying processes, and safeguarding citizens’ rights are crucial to improving EU citizenship.

Let’s have a look at the various policies:

  1. Agricultural Policy:
    • The current challenges pastoral and agricultural communities face in arid and semi-arid areas necessitate a robust agricultural policy. We propose the following revisions:
  2. Technology Policy:
    • A revised technology policy should focus on:
      • Innovation Ecosystems: Encouraging research, development, and adoption of emerging technologies.
      • Digital Sovereignty: Safeguarding EU interests in the digital realm.
      • Ethical Considerations: Setting guidelines for responsible technology use, data privacy, and cybersecurity.
  3. Research, Development, and Innovation (RDI):
    • Strengthening RDI requires:
      • Increased Funding: Allocating resources to cutting-edge research and fostering collaboration.
      • Cross-Sectoral Approach: Integrating RDI efforts across health, environment, and technology fields.
      • Talent Retention: Attracting and retaining skilled researchers within the EU.
  4. Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP):
  5. Education Policy:
    • Revised education policies should prioritize:
      • Lifelong Learning: Equipping citizens with adaptable skills for a changing world.
      • Inclusivity: Ensuring equal access to quality education regardless of socio-economic background.
      • Digital Literacy: Integrating technology and digital skills into curricula.
  1. Health Policy:
    • Strengthening health policies involves:
      • Pandemic Preparedness: Enhancing early warning systems and global health cooperation.
      • Health Equity: Reducing disparities in access to healthcare services.
      • Research and Innovation: Investing in medical research and technology for better health outcomes.

European development policy plays a crucial role in fostering sustainable development and stability in developing countries, aiming to eradicate extreme poverty. Let’s delve into the provisions and explore ways to strengthen them:

  1. Policy Coherence for Development (PCD): This principle allows us to minimize contradictions and build synergies between EU policies that may impact our partner countries. To strengthen PCD:
    • Enhance coordination: Ensure that policies related to trade, agriculture, environment, and migration align with development objectives emphasising development needs and technology transfer balanced by increased trade combined with good governance, rule of law and strengthened governance and respect for human rights.
    • Regular assessments: Conduct periodic assessments to identify areas where coherence can be improved.
  2. Development Effectiveness:
    • Smarter financing: Optimize development aid by focusing on results-oriented investments. Prioritize projects that have a measurable impact on poverty reduction, education, health, and gender equality.
    • Capacity building: Strengthen local institutions and empower communities to drive sustainable development.
  3. European Consensus on Development:
    • Review and update: Regularly assess the Consensus to ensure it remains relevant and aligned with global development goals.
    • Inclusive partnerships: Engage civil society organizations, the private sector, and local communities in shaping development policies.
  4. Climate Change Resilience:
    • Mainstream climate action: Integrate climate adaptation and mitigation strategies into development projects.
    • Support green technologies: Invest in renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and eco-friendly infrastructure.
  5. Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding:
    • Early warning systems: Strengthen mechanisms to detect and prevent conflicts before they escalate.
    • Invest in peacebuilding: Support initiatives that promote dialogue, reconciliation, and stability.
  6. Gender Equality and Social Inclusion:
    • Gender-responsive policies: Ensure development programs address gender disparities and promote women’s empowerment.
    • Inclusive approaches: Consider marginalized groups, such as persons with disabilities and indigenous communities.
  7. Private Sector Engagement:
    • Responsible business practices: Encourage private companies to invest in sustainable development while respecting human rights and environmental standards.
    • Public-private partnerships: Collaborate with businesses to leverage their expertise and resources.

Strengthening EU development policies requires a collective effort involving policymakers, civil society, and citizens. By addressing these aspects, we can enhance the impact of our development assistance and contribute to a more equitable and prosperous world.

Article 42

I am less sure it makes sense to do much about fleshing out each of the three phases of the European Defence rather than leaving things open. In any event, let’s have a look at Article 42 and how it might be done:

  1. Phase 1: ESDP (Ending in 2027):
    • Objective: Strengthen crisis prevention and preparedness.
    • Focus Areas:
      • Early Warning Systems: Enhance detection and analysis of security risks.
      • Conflict Prevention Diplomacy: Engage in preventive diplomacy and mediation.
      • Capacity Building: Empower partner countries to address emerging threats.
      • Action: Making the European Deployment Capability (EDC) operational.
  2. Phase 2: European Defence Policy (ab 2028):
    • Objective: Implement capability commitments made by the Council ( Helsinki Headline Goals).
    • Key Commitment: Achieve a force of 60,000 men under arms by leveraging joint military capabilities.
    • Actions:
      • Military Rapid Reaction: EU CROC, EI2, Euromarfor, Eurogendfor, Eurocorpse.
      • Civilian Crisis Management: Deploy experts for stability and rule of law.
  3. Phase 3: A Common Defence:
    • Objective: Establish a robust collective defense mechanism.
    • Options:
      • European Army: While an entire European army with 1.4 million personnel is ambitious, consider a more scaled-down version.
      • Integrated Forces: Further Development of joint forces for rapid response and territorial defense.

Remember, these phases require strategic planning, cooperation among member states, and a commitment to European security and stability. Let’s approach this with the seriousness it deserves.

Okay – that’s all, folks.

GOCIU assisted by Co-pilot. Kuk-kuk-kuk


Parliament’s input into the debate on reform of the European Constitution

Uncategorised Posted on Sun, February 18, 2024 22:33:20

The report, prepared by rapporteurs Guy Verhofstadt, Sven Simon, Gabriele Bischoff, Daniel Freund, and Helmut Scholz, aims to reshape the European Union (EU) by enhancing its capacity to act and improving its democratic legitimacy and accountability. Key proposals include:

  1. European Constitution: The report advocates for a new European Constitution that consolidates existing treaties and clarifies the EU’s fundamental principles.
  2. Citizens’ Participation: To enhance democratic representation, the report suggests introducing elections of the President of the European Commission by popular vote and creating a European Electoral Authority.
  3. European Senate: The establishment of a European Senate, representing member states, would strengthen the EU’s legislative process.
  4. European Public Prosecutor’s Office: The report proposes expanding the powers of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office to combat cross-border crime effectively.
  5. European Armed Forces: It recommends creating a European Armed Forces to enhance security and defense cooperation.
  6. Social Rights: The report emphasizes social rights, including a European minimum wage and improved labor standards.
  7. Climate Action: The EU should lead in climate action, with binding targets and a European Climate Pact.
  8. Digital Sovereignty: The report calls for digital sovereignty, protecting citizens’ data and promoting European tech innovation.
  9. EU Budget: The report suggests a more flexible EU budget, allowing for strategic investments.
  10. EU Enlargement: The report addresses the accession process for new member states.

The Temporary EU Policy Framework on Debt until the Big Bang in 2030

Uncategorised Posted on Wed, February 07, 2024 18:37:11

Germany has conditioned its support for harmonizing the debt calendars in the eurozone around Italian, French, and German benchmarks, administered by a debt management office in the ECB, on reducing the debt pile in the Member States. Berlin has not publicly stated the purpose of tying its hands, although Lindner has signaled progress on shared goals in EU is contingent on the EU getting its act together. We now have a Franco-German agreement that the foundation of the EU must become more solid for the EU to enlarge, and that the harmonization of debt calendars flanked  by an EU-tax serving a variety of public policy purposes form part of that. It is uncontroversial, this common understanding clinched the deal between Paris and Berlin to move forward on EU Treaty reforms in two steps: the IGC25 via the simple 20method13, and in 2030, more likely than not based on a convention.

Subsequently, a few craven commissioners demanded more money for the executive in the making without considering how to accommodate German desires and addressing the need for a balanced solution at various levels. Lurking beneath all this is a  political conflict around to which degree Germany is entitled to cash in Europe continuously – Germany will both pay the most and benefit the most from a harmonization of det issuance calendars – or whether a more stable Treaty framework enshrining the desired political order in Europe should be identified, as the EU moves from wealth to power.

Some possible challenges and obstacles are:

  • A possible policy framework for the temporary reduction of the debt pile in the eurozone member states until the harmonization of debt calendars takes effect at the considerable bang enlargement in 2030 could involve the following elements:
  • How do the mountains of debts in the world economy matter?

Global debt is the combined borrowing by governments, businesses, and people. It has reached a record level of $307 trillion in 2023, according to the Institute of International Finance. This matters for two reasons: first, high debt levels imply more state interference in the economy and higher taxes in the future; second, debt must be rolled over at regular intervals, which creates a risk of default or crisis if creditors lose confidence or demand higher interest rates.

  • Discuss the level of indebtedness in the US, the EU, and China and how it affects growth prospects.

The US, the EU, and China are the three largest economies in the world, and their debt levels vary significantly. The US has the highest debt in dollar terms, at $29.46 trillion, which is 123.28% of its GDP3. The EU has a debt of $15.8 trillion, which is 90.9% of its GDP. China has a debt of $10.12 trillion, which is 68.06% of its GDP. High debt levels can hamper growth by crowding out private investment, increasing borrowing costs, and reducing fiscal space for stimulus or social spending. However, some debt can also support growth by financing public goods, infrastructure, and innovation. The impact of debt on growth depends on factors such as the composition, maturity, and cost of debt and the credibility and effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policies.

  • When does the mountain of debt and debt projections become unsustainable?

There is no clear-cut threshold for debt sustainability, as it depends on the ability and willingness of a country to service its debt obligations. However, some indicators that can signal debt distress include a rising debt-to-GDP ratio, a large and persistent fiscal deficit, a high share of foreign currency or short-term debt, a low level of international reserves, a weak banking system, and a loss off market access, and a deterioration of growth prospects.

  • Are there historical precedents for systemic crashes?

There have been several episodes of systemic crashes in history, usually triggered by a combination of economic, financial, political, and social factors. Some examples are the Great Depression of the 1930s, the Latin American debt crisis of the 1980s, the Asian financial crisis of the 1990s, the global financial crisis of 2007-2009, and the European sovereign debt crisis of 2010-2012. These crises had severe and lasting consequences for the affected countries and regions and spillover effects for the rest of the world.

  • How does the IMF come into play?

The IMF is an international organization that promotes global economic stability and cooperation. It plays a crucial role in the global debt crisis by providing financial assistance, policy advice, and technical support to countries facing balance of payments or debt problems. The IMF also conducts regular surveillance and analysis of the global economy and the debt situation of its member countries. The IMF can help prevent or resolve debt crises by facilitating debt relief, restructuring, or refinancing and promoting sound macroeconomic and structural policies.

  • Is there reason to be worried about the situation in the US, EU, and China?

There is reason to be concerned, but not to panic, about the debt situation in the US, EU, and China. These economies face different challenges and opportunities and have different policy tools and buffers to cope. The US has the advantage of issuing the world’s reserve currency, which gives it more fiscal and monetary flexibility, but it also faces political polarization, social inequality, and rising inflation. The EU benefits from a large and integrated market but suffers from institutional fragmentation, slow growth, and low inflation. China has the potential of a dynamic and innovative economy but also faces structural imbalances, environmental degradation, and geopolitical tensions. All three economies must address their debt vulnerabilities and pursue reforms to enhance their resilience and sustainability.

  • What elements of a growth strategy and the policy architecture are necessary to make it work at the EU and member state levels?

According to the European Commission, the EU growth strategy for the next decade should be based on the following priorities:

  • Achieving the green and digital transitions, which are essential for enhancing the EU’s competitiveness, sustainability, and resilience
  • Strengthening the social and economic cohesion and convergence among the member states, regions, and citizens
  • Increasing the EU’s strategic autonomy and openness in the global arena by promoting a level playing field, fair trade, and multilateral cooperation

To implement this strategy, the EU and the member states need to work together and coordinate their policies, investments, and reforms in line with the common objectives and values of the EU.


  • A coherent and consistent use of the EU recovery funds, which amount to 750 billion euros and are designed to support the green and digital transitions and the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic
  • A revision and simplification of the EU fiscal rules, which should ensure budgetary sustainability, flexibility, and transparency, as well as incentivize public investment and structural reforms
  • A reinforcement of the EU economic governance, which should foster policy dialogue, peer review, and mutual learning among the member states, as well as enhance the role of the European Semester as a tool for monitoring and guiding the implementation of the EU growth strategy
  • A development and integration of the EU capital markets, banking, and fiscal unions, which should improve the financing and diversification of the EU economy, as well as the stability and resilience of the euro area
  • A deepening and completion of the EU single market, which should remove barriers and create opportunities for businesses and consumers, as well as foster innovation and digitalization
  • A strengthening and modernization of the EU industrial and digital policies, which should support the competitiveness and transformation of the EU industry, as well as the development and deployment of critical technologies and infrastructures
  • A promotion and protection of the EU social rights and values, which should ensure fair and inclusive growth, as well as the participation and empowerment of all citizens, especially the most vulnerable and disadvantaged groups
  • A design and implementation of the EU green deal, which should lead the EU to climate neutrality by 2050, as well as enhance the environmental quality and circularity of the EU economy
  • How to move from a tightly-knit growth strategy to a European political economy and onward European capitalism with its objectives and values? What are PE’s and capitalism’s next steps and elements with its goals and values?

The Draghi report is a document that will be prepared by former Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, who was asked by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to advise the bloc on boosting its competitiveness. The report is expected to be delivered later in 2024.

Evaluation: The Draghi report is a welcome initiative that can set the tone and parameters for the EU’s growth strategy for the next decade. It can also provide valuable input for revising and simplifying the EU fiscal rules by 2024. The report can benefit from Draghi’s experience and expertise as a former central banker, economist, and politician, as well as his reputation and credibility in the EU and beyond. However, the report also faces some challenges and limitations, such as:

  • The complexity and diversity of the EU economy, which requires a nuanced and balanced analysis of the different sectors, regions, and stakeholders involved
  • The uncertainty and volatility of the global environment, which poses risks and opportunities for the EU’s competitiveness but also makes it difficult to predict and plan for the future
  • The political and institutional constraints, which may limit the scope and feasibility of the report’s recommendations, especially if they require treaty changes, legislative reforms, or budgetary adjustments
  • The potential resistance or opposition from some member states, industries, or interest groups, who may have different views or preferences on the EU’s economic policies and priorities
  • Improvements: The Draghi report can be improved by taking into account the following suggestions:
    • The report should be based on a comprehensive and evidence-based assessment of the EU’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, using relevant data, indicators, and benchmarks
    • The report should be aligned with and supportive of the EU’s existing objectives and values, such as the green and digital transitions, the social and economic cohesion, and the strategic autonomy
    • The report should be realistic, pragmatic, ambitious, and visionary, proposing concrete and actionable measures to make a difference in the EU’s short-, medium–, and long-term competitiveness.
    • The report should be inclusive and participatory, involving a broad and diverse range of stakeholders, such as the EU institutions, the member states, the regions, the social partners, the civil society, and the academia.
    • The report should be transparent and communicative, using simple and accessible language and highlighting the main messages, findings, and recommendations.

The European political economy studies the interaction between politics and economics in the EU and how they affect the process and outcomes of European integration. It covers EU economic governance, the single market, industrial and digital policies, and strategic autonomy. A European capitalism with its objectives and values would imply a shared vision and a coherent framework for the EU’s economic and social development based on principles such as democracy, solidarity, sustainability, and competitiveness. Some of the elements that could contribute to this goal are:

  • A fiscal union, which would entail a common budget, a common debt instrument, and a common fiscal authority for the euro area, as well as a harmonization of tax policies and coordination of budgetary stances across the EU
  • A banking union, which would entail a single supervisory mechanism, a single resolution mechanism, and a standard deposit insurance scheme for the euro area banks, as well as a reduction of risks and completion of the banking integration across the EU
  • A capital markets union, which would entail a harmonization of rules and standards, removal of barriers, and creation of opportunities for cross-border investments and financing across the EU, as well as diversification and deepening of the EU capital markets
  • A social union, which would entail a reinforcement of the social dimension of the EU, an implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights, and the creation of a social protection floor for all EU citizens, as well as a promotion of social dialogue and participation across the EU
  • A green deal, which would entail a comprehensive and ambitious plan to achieve the EU’s climate and environmental objectives, mobilization of public and private resources for green investments and innovation, and the creation of a just transition fund to support the most affected regions and sectors, as well as leadership and cooperation of the EU in the global climate action
  • A digital agenda, which would entail the development and implementation of a common digital strategy, the creation of a digital single market, and support for the digital transformation of the EU economy and society, as well as protection and empowerment of the EU citizens’ digital rights and freedoms
  • A trade and investment policy, which would entail a definition and promotion of the EU’s interests and values in the global arena, negotiation and enforcement of fair and balanced trade and investment agreements, and support for the multilateral trading system and the reform of the World Trade Organization, as well as diversification and resilience of the EU’s external supply chains and partnerships

The following steps to move from a growth strategy to a political economy and onwards to a European capitalism with its own objectives and values would require a strong political will and commitment from the EU institutions and the member states and a broad and inclusive consultation and dialogue with the EU citizens and stakeholders. It would also require a revision and adaptation of the EU treaties and legislation and mobilization and allocation of the EU resources and instru-ments to reflect and support the EU’s common vision and framework.

As you may discern, a difficult balancing act is ahead, however, difficult it is to comprehend in the peripheries of Europe and in the suburbs of the world. This does entail rewarding  the human who makes a difference and makes France and Germany cohere notwithstanding female transgressions, exploitation and slavery, and forms of abuse of power.

  • Ilce dixit assisted by copilot

The Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA), conducted in 2004, was a groundbreaking study that evaluated the impacts of climate change in the Arctic. Let’s delve into the details:

Europe Posted on Sun, February 04, 2024 23:08:03

  1. ACIA Overview:
    • The ACIA was initiated in response to a request from the Ministers of the Arctic Council. It aimed to synthesize knowledge on climate variability, change, and increased ultraviolet radiation in the Arctic.
    • The assessment involved over 250 scientists and six circumpolar indigenous peoples’ organizations.
    • Its objective was to assess the environmental, human health, social, cultural, and economic impacts of climate change in the Arctic, providing valuable policy recommendations.
  2. Key Findings:
  3. Social Science Integration:
  4. IPCC Connection:

Now, let’s explore the IPCC’s work on polar regions:

  1. IPCC Reports on Polar Regions:
  2. Different Focus:

In summary, the ACIA laid the groundwork for understanding Arctic climate assesment, but has gradually been substituted for reasons of lack of manpower, administartive reorganisation and delegation from CPH to Nuuk, the progresss in technologies – satelittes and remote sensing – and the greater interest in the IPCC’s broader assessments of polar regions and their relevance to global climate dynamics. Both efforts contribute vital information for informed decision-making and climate action.

What about glaciers ?

  1. World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS):
  1. Greenland:
  1. Himalayas:
  1. Role of AI in Glacier Monitoring:
    • AI has revolutionized glacier surveillance:
      • Crevasse Detection: Scientists have developed AI algorithms to identify crevasses in radar images. For instance, the Thwaites Glacier Ice Tongue in West Antarctica is monitored using AI techniques.
      • Change Detection: Machine learning helps analyze radar images over time, identifying glacier speed changes and fracture formation.
      • Predictive Modeling: AI aids in predicting glacier behavior and assessing risks to coastal communities.
      • Data Fusion: AI combines satellite data, field measurements, and climate models for comprehensive glacier assessments.

In summary, global efforts like the WGMS, combined with AI advancements, enhance our understanding of glacier dynamics. These initiatives are crucial for informed climate action and sustainable water resource management.

Shippers and sailors navigating the Greenlandic waters may also benfit from Artificial Intelligence (AI) in weather forecasting. Let’s explore how AI can enhance weather predictions and whether decentralization is underway:

  1. GraphCast: AI for Global Weather Forecasting:
    • GraphCast, developed by Google DeepMind, is a state-of-the-art AI model for medium-range weather forecasts.
    • Key features:
  2. Greenland Waters and Sea Ice:
  3. Decentralization:
    • While centralized systems like the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) provide global forecasts, there’s a trend toward decentralization:

In summary, AI-driven weather models like GraphCast and localized efforts by institutions like DMI contribute to more accurate and efficient forecasts. Decentralization allows tailored predictions for specific regions, benefiting shippers, sailors, and communities in Greenlandic water


Middle East Posted on Sun, February 04, 2024 16:20:27

  1. Preamble

The State of Israel and The Arab Republic of Lebanon

Having regard  to their desire for establishing business-like relations based on cooperation

and conflict and their commitment to good neighbourliness as democracies and market economies;

Affirming    that this agreement is concluded within the framework of UNSCR 1397 &  

1525 and 1701;

Reiterating              their adherence to the principles of the Barcelona-declaration;

Determined             to open a new chapter in their relations in the common pursuit of peace and


Confirming             the principle of land for peace in terms of UNSCR 242 & 338;

Recognizing            the contribution of comprehensive peace to a Middle Eastern state system

free of political interference and interactions respective of each other’s iden-tities;

Have agreed as following

2. Peace Agreement

A peace agreement between Israel and Lebanon is to be concluded five years from the conclusion of this accord, at which point full diplomatic relations will be established.

3. Border Commission

A Border Commission is established towards the delimitation of the land, sea and air borders between Israel and Lebanon, whose work is to be finalised during the course of this agreement.

4. Political Dialogue

A high-level political dialogue will be established between the parties in order to address and better understand mutual perceptions of security/insecurity.

A Regular Dialogue between the IDF’s Northern Command and the Lebanese Army’s Southern Command as well as the parties’ respective Border Police Commanders are to be conducted for the management of the parties’ border towards the dismantlement of the UNIFIL-mission accor-ding to separate agreements.

The delimitation of the Maritime Borders will be undertaken using the newest technological advances, and otherwise as well serve the purpose of joint exploitation of the sea bed as con-venient.

  1. Water

In order to ensure the development and deepening of bilateral relations, the parties agree to enter into agreements concerning water sharing pending the resolution of outstanding issues on water-ways crossing their mutual border, and agree to cooperate with regional and global institutions in developing their mutual interests in the policy area, without prejudice to third parties’ rights and interests.

  1. Peace and Conflict

A comprehensive programme to address all levels of peace-building between the parties are established at the conclusion of this accord.

Lebanon undertakes to assume full sovereignty over its territory and to disarm and reintegrate mercenaries and proxy-forces into regular army and law enforcement units, and otherwise as well integrate former fighters into society.

Israel undertakes to pursue peace agreements with both the Palestinian National Authority and with Syria, upon which comprehensive peace in the Middle East are hinged.

Israel undertakes to make $1bn available for UNRWA to address the plight of Palestinean refugees, residing or having taken refuge in Lebanon, resulting from war, towards settlement of this refugee issue without prejudice to the rights of third parties under international law.

  1. Peaceful Relations

Haifa University and the Issam Fares Institute will steer pertinent research projects and dialo-gues amongst academics of both countries and in the region in order to improve the mutual understanding for each other interests and concerns and the process through which images of enmities and friendship may arise and dissolve.

People-to people programmes will be established to underpin this dialogue.

8. Cooperation

The parties intends to conclude a bilateral free trade agreement to supplement normalisation of links, following the conclusion of a peace agreement(s), no later than five years from the initial-ling of this framework accord.

Explorative talks in both regards may be undertaken in due course.

  1. Entry into Force & Arbitration

This accord is subject to ratification according to the procedures provided for in the legislation of each Contracting Parties, and comes into force on the day of exchange of documents of rati-fication.

The accord shall be deposited in the Foreign Ministries of the contracting parties in English, Arab and Hebrew version, as notified to the UN Secretariat by virtue of the UN-Charter Article 102.

Should disagreement arise over the implementation of these articles, the parties agree to submit them to arbitration at the International Court of Justice ( ICJ).

Done,                                                                        March 202x

For Israel                                                                                         For Lebanon


UN MAP of The Blue Line

Terms of References of the Lebanese-Israeli Border Commission

Agreement between IDF and the Lebanese Army concerning Border Security

Der må være en grænse

Uncategorised Posted on Thu, January 18, 2024 20:16:28

I et digt skriver Paul Celan, den tysk-sprogede rumænsk-jødisk forfatter:

So leg das Laub Zusammen mit Den Seelen. Schwing leicht den Hammer und verhüll das Angesicht.

Krön mit den Schlägen, die dem Herzen fehlen.

Den Ritter, der mit Fernen Mühlen ficht.

Es sind nur Wolken, die er nicht ertrug.

Doch klirrt sein Herz von einem Engelschritte.

Ich kränze leise, was er nicht zersclug:

Die rote Schranke und die Schwarze Mitte.

Oversat til dansk betyder det:

Så sæt bladene sammen med sjælene.

Sving Hammeren let og dæk dit ansigt.

Kron med de slag, der rammer hjertet.

Ridderen, der kæmper med fjerne Møller.

De er bare skyer, som han ikke kan bære.

Men hans hjerte varsler med engleskridt.

Hvad han ikke ødelagde.

Den  røde barriere og den sorte Midte.

Paul Celan repræsenterer for mig det gamle og komplekse Europa. Han var født i Bukowina og voksede op i Cernauti nord for klostrene og ikke langt fra Slot Hotyn og Kaminski-Podolski. Her kan man endnu i dag høre Klezmer-musik, når Czernowitzer kommer på besøg til hjemegnen.

Celan er kendt for digte som Todesfuge og Sand fra Urnerne.

Celan skrev sine digte på tysk og anses i dag for en af de største tysk-sprogede digtere. Celans poesi er karakteriseret ved en kompliceret og kryptisk stil, der afviger fra poesis konventioner. Selv havde Celan som vist mange rumænere et sind, der bestod af polære modsætninger, som han skrev sig ud af og samlet sammen ved hjælp af sin digtning.

Jeg er født og opvokset i Danmark og føler mig som dansk-europæer. Jeg forstår udmærket både dansk lune og underfundighed.

Efter års ufrivillig og tvungen medicinering, som for størstedelens vedkommende blev mig pånøden grundet systemets forbudte retsfølelse i forlængelse af Danny Yatoms intervention i Paris og Rom som følge af drabet på fem israelere i  Burgos orkestreret af PET eller i det midste med viden om miljøet  i Odense hvori oppen blev tilrettelagt, en statsforbrydelse der modsvarer en inkohærent kombi-forbrydelse, der falder under Straffelovens § 81 , stk.1 og 5  , som Ombudsmanden respekterer. Det skal sammenholdes med Helle Thornings intervention og disciplinering af de fitløbende politiagenter i Cirkus Buddinge. Der var også en fransk-jødisk  frøken Smillas fornemmelser for hvad der er rigtigt for mennesket.

Jeg er nu tilbage. Jeg dyrker ikke så meget sport længere, men det bør jeg måske tage op påny. Jeg har i dag genfundet arbejds-glæden og fuld af kreatitvitet og effektivitet. Jeg er en do’er og en problemløser. Eller som Picasso udtalte: ”Lær reglerne som en Pro. Bryd dem som en kunstner”.

Mine interesser forbliver: at finde et job der svarer til mine kvalifikationer og at finde en kæreste.

Det er den gamle traver med at se splinten i sit medmenenskes øjne, men ikke bjælken i panden på sig selv, jeg hentyder til. Skam over den mand, der søger at vaske sine synder af på sin kvinde.

Med hensyn til min sving-om hos De Radikale så har den 90% at gøre med Karen Melchiors politik og person, og 10% med at Ellen Trane fandt en anden. Og min tilbagevenden til folden med Venstres politik, min frihedstrang, erfaringer og venskaber fra studenterpolitik, min kamp-gejst og pro-europæiske indstilling.

For så vidt angår den af mig forslået øvre grænse på EU-budgettet på 7%, så ved jeg ikke hvor ideen hertil kom, men det er rigtigt at Werner-rapporten i sin tid forudså behovet for budget-buffere, da man i halvfjerdserne diskuterede en monetær union i Europa. National-staten er i dag blevet for lille de store udfordringer, og for stor til de små opgaver. Jeg anser før som nu Cedermans tese som en spændende teori om forandring, hvor stats-dannelse kædes sammen med rovdyrs-frekvenser i det internationale system eller i Europas omgivelser i kontekst med alliancer og defensive teknologier. Den forekom mig dog upraktisk, manipulerende og ikke tilstrækkeligt handlings-orienteret, uanset dens humanistiske sigte og kognitions-orienteret tilgang.

I romanen Gullivers rejse, skrevet af Johnatan Swift, en engelsk kirug og sømand, følger vi hovedpersonens Lemuel Gulliver på sin rejse til Stillehavet ombord på skibet Antelope. Skibet forliser, og da Gulliver vågner på land, er han alene og fastspændt til jorden. Han er taget til fange af lilleputanerne! Lilleputanerne er så små, at der skal 1000 af deres stærkeste  mænd, til at få Gulliver løftet op på en særlig vogn, som skal transportere ham til hovedstaden. Da de slipper ham løs, er det udelukkened fordi, at han skal hjælpe lilleputanerne mod Kejseren af Blefusco, der vil tage magten i landet. Gulliver er en stor hjælp for lilleputterne, særligt da slottet brænder, og han tisser på  flammerne. Men mange lilleputter vil af med ham bla. fordi han spiser for meget.Gulliver flygter og rejser tilbage til England på  et fragtskib. Men han overmandes snart af udlængsel og ganske som på lilleputternes ø kommer Gulliver ud for de mest forunderlige ting på sin færd til Brodingnag, Laputa og Houhnms. Romanen er en satirisk kommentar til Swifts samtid og kritiserer blandt andet politik, religion og menneskelig natur. I romanen hedder det: ”Jeg blev også lært op i at skyde med bue og pil, og jeg blev så god til det, at jeg kunne ramme en due på 50 yards”. Romanen er filmati-seret, en flim jeg kan anbefale. Den rummer mange morsomme scener.

Selv har jeg nu svært ved at se komikken i situationen.

Sikkert og vist er det, at en pil finder sit mål. Spørgsmålet er, hvordan og hvorfor. Ja engang råbte demonstranterne under skyggen af Frauenkirche i Dredsen: Wir sind ein Volk. I dag siger vi i kor: Vi er europæere.

Jeg skal samtidigt benytte lejligheden til at rette en varm tak til mine jødiske frænder for tidligt at have set potentialet i mig, og for trofast at forsvare Vesten og Europa og heppe på EU’s fremgang og vækst. Magen til mod og, generøsitet og broderskab skal man lede længe efter. Der findes et lille folk, og en stor sag. For hvad der fremmer det enkelte menneskes sag går gerne i spænd med Europas værdier og verdens interesser: Toda raba Israel!

I øvrigt mener jeg, at Iran , dette uforbederlige krigerfolk  med en imperialistisk mission  iklædt islamistiske gevandter og støttet af kampagner og ugudelige trosfæller, skal bombes tilbage til stenalderen. På godt dansk Iran, denne spoiler par excellence, trænger til en røvfuld.

Endelig vil jeg gerne minde min humoristiske bedstemor, Trudel Martens her på falderebet. I hendes sommerhus i Løkkeby på Langeland havde hun et skilt på toiletdøren, hvor der stor: ”Mennesket har muligheder for mange glæder uden tal, den vigtigste er at kunne når man skal”.

Om Tyskland formår at frelse Europa, og Frankrig at indvie EU ved jeg ikke, men uden kærlighed og kildevand duer helten ikke.

Designby Kolding : Up yours ?

Uncategorised Posted on Wed, January 17, 2024 13:28:10

Design er af de store koncepter indenfor Renæssancens  kunstteori. Det betyder på engang design og projekt, opridsning af kontur og intention. Ordet beskriver således en eminent intellektuel aktivitet og har en dobbeltbundethed i sin oprindelige betydning. I maleriet er design det, der modsætter sig farve, og sidenhen bliver design (disegno) tilknyttet formen, til konceptet og fremfor alt ideen med henblik på at udvikle en kunstteori. Dette resulterer i en transformation af ideen til et ideal, som har sit filosofiske ophav  i Platon, der associerer ideer med formen og figurer som en præekstisterende indre  model der går forud for dens realisering.

I 1677 udtaler Michel Auguier i det kongelige franske akademi sig om maleriet og skulpturen: Det store design er en ild, som belyser forståelsen, varmer viljen, styrker erindringen, renser ånderne, for at gennemtrænge forestillingsevnen”.

Indenfor management-skolen er det i moderne tid Henry Mintzberg, der har gjort mest ud af beskrive design-skolen med ophav i Selznik og Chandlers teroretiseren om at bringe organisationens distinkte kompetence i harmoni sammen med organisationens indre stadie og de eksterne forventninger i omgivelserne. De argumenterer for at indbygge policy ind i organisaitonens sociale struktur, dvs gennem implementering af strategeien. Chandler forbandt design-skolens begreb om forretnignsstrategi med dens forbindelse til strukturen. I sin bog Strategy Safari beskriver Mintzberg således design-skolens opfattelse af strategi-processen som en konceptions-proces med indre vurdering af styrker og svagheder og eksterne vurdering af trusler og muligheder, dinstinkte kompetencer og nøgle succesfaktorer. Hermed skabes strategien sammenholdt med omgivelsernes fornemmelse for socialt ansvarlighed og leder-værdier. Der vælges strategi og evalueres på strategier, hvorefter den skal implementeres. Design-skolen antager, at strategen er nærmest alviden og alemn respekteret som sådan af alle i organisationen.

Koldings motto er: sammen designer vi livet . Det hedder på hjmmesiden. ”Visionen er vores pejlemærke for fremtiden og skal sikre en klar og visionær retning for hele Kolding Kommune. : ”Med visionen har vi som kommune et særligt fokus på ”at lykkes sammen”! Sammen med borgere, sammen med virksomheder og sammen med lokale aktører, der bidrager til en bæredygtig udvikling af vores fælles lokalområde” (

Design i hele Kolding Kommune

  • er nærværende
  • kan ses og mærkes
  • gør en forskel”

Det er vedtaget, at der skal indføres en visions-dreven ledelsesform, og at by- og udviklingsforvaltningen skal lægges sammen med fællesforvaltningen, som om Designby Kolding har opslugt forvaltningen, før Merete Dissing har fået ytret: I want it all.

Whole-of-government skolen er en tilgang til offentlig forvaltning, der søger at fremme horisontal integration og samarbejde mellem forskellige sektorer, niveauer og aktører i den offentlige sektor. Hovedantagelserne bag denne skole er, at:

Nogle af styrkerne ved whole-of-government skolen er, at den kan:

  • Forbedre kvaliteten og relevansen af offentlige ydelser og politikker ved at tilpasse dem til borgernes behov og forventninger.
  • Øge den offentlige sektors kapacitet til at håndtere komplekse og tværgående udfordringer, såsom klimaændringer, social ulighed og sikkerhed.
  • Fremme innovation og læring i den offentlige sektor ved at udnytte viden og ressourcer fra forskellige kilder og perspektiver.

Nogle af svaghederne ved whole-of-government skolen er, at den kan:

  • Skabe rollekonflikter og ansvarsforvirring mellem forskellige aktører og niveauer i den offentlige sektor.
  • Reducere den demokratiske ansvarlighed og gennemsigtighed i den offentlige forvaltning ved at øge magten hos ikke-valgte embedsmænd og eksterne partnere.
  • Medføre øgede omkostninger og transaktionsomkostninger ved at kræve mere koordination, kommunikation og konsensus.

Det er helt fint, at Kolding Kommune bliver mere resultatorienterede på udvalgte indikatorer såsom det Regionale Competetiveness Index, men det forudsætter at Regionen spiller med, at deltager-demokratiet fungerer og interkationsmønstrene er mere åbne, og at organisationen er reelt funktionelt integreret . Den visions-drevne ledelsesform bør udnyttes til at lave en årsberetning omfattende aktiviteter, evaluering af effekter af poltikker og strategier, performance kontrol, politik-udvikling, og anvendelsen af indikatorer samt spørgeskemaer sammenholdt med borger-tilfredshedsundersøgelser. På det grundlag kan byrådet tage stilling til, hvordan landet ligger og hvor der skal sættes ind i det bæredygtige samfund. Ellers har ræven ingen hale og der bliver tale om gammel vin på ny flaske og et slaraffenland for alvidende instititutoner, der brander sig uden at integrere sig og være ansvarlige.

Kolding trænger både til ro til at gro, og til handlings-orienteret strategier. Vi skal alle være glade for, at der findes kvinder med bukserne på, og hjertet på rette sted. Når jeg går rundt og taler med folk, siger de handlende i gågaden, at Kolding er en uddannelsesby, den unge kvinde på caféen stirrer med triste øjne blindt ud af vinduet, den gamle erfarne driftige mand, født og opvokset i Kolding, at der er kedeligt og ikke sker en skid i byen. I Haderslev ser de op til Kolding og forventer at vi leder. I Vejle trækker de på skulderen, men hvor godt samarbejder vi egentligt i Trekantsområdet ?

Kolding har et stort potentiale, og kan udvikle sig i de kommende år til en fremgangsrig og dynamisk dansk-nordisk-europæisk provinsby, til Sydjyllands hovedstad. Det kræver at alle trækker på samme hammel, og beslutter sig for,at det skal være løgn, at man ikke skyer sammenligninger og konkurrence, lærer af hinanden og støtter hinanden som led i en fremadskuende plan forenet med skridtvise , samordnet og integrerede tilgange. Det er endeligt vigtigt ikke at lukke sig ind i en niche,og kunstigt begrænse sit perspektiv, og tro at læring ikke er en del af livet i institutionerne samt at være ærlig om mulighederne og forhindringerne i sit strategi-budskab, og hvordan og hvorfor Kolding skal komme frem i skoen.

Der er bred folkelig opbakning til at Kolding skal videre, og at Borgmester Langhoff er en flink mand. Han ønsker på engang at akkomodere modstanden mod forandringer i Kolding, og at søge tilgivelse hos den borgerlige lejr. Og det er er jo altsammen meget menneskeligt. Men det duer altså ikke med en leder, der ikke vil noget og som hverken coacher, sætter retning, delegerer eller støtter. En leder skulle gerne belønne dem, der gør en forskel, forbinde strategi med organisatorisk struktur, overse arbejdsdeling og integration af indsatser og integrere tidssvarende interaktionsmønstre i organisationen, skabe relationer og tage sig af organisationen, kontrollere fordelingen af midler, kommunikere udadtil og skabe forpligtelse langs kurven af kontaktskabelse, bevidsthed, forståelse, afprøvning, begrænset tilegnelse og institutionalisering.

Vi ser endelig frem til, at Kolding bliver til en designby med smag for malerier og skulpturer samt urban wall art, herunder en digital en af slagsen som i Helsingborg.

EU: Institutional Balance refreshed, and governance modernized

Uncategorised Posted on Fri, January 12, 2024 23:47:24

The relationship between the EU Commission, the European Council (EUCO), and the European Parliament is based on the principle of institutional balance, which means that each institution has its role and powers in the EU’s decision-making process. The Commission is the executive arm of the EU, responsible for proposing and implementing EU policies and laws. The EUCO sets the general political direction and priorities of the EU and is composed of the heads of state or government of the member states. The PArliament is the legislative arm of the EU, representing the citizens of the EU, and shares the power to adopt and amend Eu laws with the Council of the EU, representing the governments of the member states.

To transform this relationship into a more classical one between parliament, executive, and member state representatives, some possible steps could include:

  • Strengthening the role of the Parliament in electing and overseeing the Commission and initiating and amending EU legislation to increase its democratic legitimacy and accountability.
  • The President of the EU Commission is the President-elect if the person and his coalition win the European Parliament election as the lead candidate upon which she becomes the President of the EU.
  • Reforming the EUCO to make it more transparent, accountable, and representative of the diversity of the EU and to clarify its role and relationship with the other EU institutions.
  • Enhancing the participation and consultation of national parliaments, regional and local authorities, civil society, and citizens in the EU policymaking process to foster a more participatory and deliberative democracy in the EU.
  • Developing a shared vision and strategy for the future of Europe based on the principles of subsidiarity, proportionality, solidarity, and cohesion and reflecting the values and interests of the EU and its citizens.

. As part of this commitment, the Commission has launched several initiatives and actions, such as:

These initiatives and actions show the Commission’s willingness to engage with the other EU institutions, the member states, and the citizens to reform and modernize the EU governance system. However, the Commission cannot act alone, and the success of these initiatives and actions depends on the cooperation and support of the other EU actors and stakeholders. There is the right of initiative and a right of initiative.

Next comes how the parliaments could be strengthened.

One possible way of strengthening the member state parliamentary administrations and the European parties is to enhance their role and influence in the EU legislative process. The European Parliament (EP) is the only directly elected EU institution representing EU citizens. However, its powers are limited compared to the Council of the EU, which represents the governments of the member states. The EP has co-decision rights with the Council on most policy areas but not foreign and security policy, taxation, or treaty amendments. Moreover, the EP cannot initiate legislation but can only amend or reject proposals from the European Commission. Therefore, one option could be to increase the EP’s legislative powers and allow it to develop a model for an open democracy ( Helene Landemore Open democracy).

The EP is one of the two branches of the budgetary authority of the European Union (EU) and the Council of the EU. The EP has the right to amend and adopt the annual EU budget and exercise control over its implementation. The Ep’s budgetary powers have increased over time, especially since the Treaty of Lisbon in 2009, which removed the distinction between compulsory expenditure and gave the EP an euwqal say eith the Council over the entire EU budget.

Some possible ways to strengthen the budgetary powers of the EP are:

  • Enhancing the EP’s role in negotiating and adopting the multiannual financial framework (MFF), which sets the spending limits and priorities for the EU budget for at least five years. Currently the MMF is adopted byt he Council with the consent od the EP. Still, the EP has calledfor a complete co-decison procedure and more flexibility to adjust the MFF in response tochanging needs and challenges.
  • Increasing the EP’s involvement in designing and implementing new resources for the EU budget, which are revenues that do not depend on national contributions. The EP has advocatedfor amore diversfied and autonomous sources of income for the Eu, such as digital tax, a carbon border adjustment mechanism, or a financial transaction tax.
  • Harmonisation of the budget cycle with the tax cycle: 5 years.
  • Improving the EP’s oversight and scrutiny of the EU budget, especially in areas where the management and control of expenditure is shared with the Member States, such as agriculture, cohesion, or recovery funds. The EP can use its power of discharge, which is the approval or rejection of the budget execution by the Commission and other EU institutions and agencies, to hold them accountable for the sound financial management of the EU funds. The EP can also rely on the reports and opinions of the European Court of Auditors and its own Committe on Budgetary control to monitor and evaluate the performance and results of the Eu budget.

In time, it could be considered  to codify in the Treaty a pre-defined upper limit of share of the EU’s GDP, say, 7% i stead od at present 1,27%. This would lead to a relativization of the member states right to raise taxes since the financing of a tightly knit fiscal-military actor , the financing of polices for Europe in areas that the member state cannot solve alone, and to enhance the EU’s global power would imply the right to raise direct taxes by the EU. Finally, it is important to be aware that a decentralized EU in no way means an EU unable to act forcefully or a weakening of the political center. On the contrary. It is meant to adapt to the realities in Europe while doing the minimum to make EU and its political communities punch above their weight.

This could give more voice and visibility to the European parties and their political groups in the EP, as well as to the national parliaments that elect the MEP


Uncategorised Posted on Tue, January 09, 2024 00:23:58

As part of the strengthening of Europol, I am proposing the establishment of an External Relations Unit in order to facilitate the development of police cooperation between EU and third countries. This applies to CELAC, the MED and the Black Sea, but also to the EU’s ten Strategic Partners.

In relation to China, the Triad is a major crime group with more than 20,000 members, which has its own interests but interchangeably also act as the prolonged arm of the more sinister parts of the Chinese deep state,  including beating up student protesters according to a recent feature on Arte.

The EU regulary issue reports on the developments in Hong Kong. While Xi Jinping may be correct about that John Lee has managed to restore order in HKSAR, this is just the beginning of the reconciliation process and rebuilding of trust between HKSAR and its populace, the EU and Hong Kong towards the removal of sanctions on HNK officials. The HKSAR government are making a good many right moves and a track has now been trodden out, but it fail to address the concerns of its partners effectively and with action-oriented strategies, to ensure fonctional integration in the government, to question the intellectual structure of what it is doing, to open up to the world, to explore the potential for developing the links between EU-China-HNK, and to modernize the ways it does things. It is also spending a lot of money. I have a plan how to address these issues, but bang my head up against a wall when I try to reach out to HKSAR government. I fail to understand why. I am a doer and a problem-solver, mature and well-intentioned.

Once the push-ups have been undertaken, the EU should consider adopting an action plan on how to fight the sprawling crime scene in China, beginning with Hong Kong. 14K, part of the triad, is involved in a wide range of criminal activities, including drug trafficking (heroin and opium), illegal gambling, money laundering, human trafficking, extortion and counterfeiting, arson, fraud, murder, kidnapping, money laundering, illegal gambling, contract murder, arms trafficking, prostitution and robberies. 14K has infiltrated Chinese restaurants in Belgium and Holland, and controls the export of drugs. Similiarly does it cooperate with other crime groups in France on heroin exports, in Ireland 14K is involved in traficking, it operates from London’s Chinatown und so weiter.

Here is a table of contents for an action plan against the 14K:

  1.  Introduction
  2. Background on the 14K
  3. Overview of the 14K’s criminal activities
  4. Current efforts to combat the 14 K
  5. Proposed Action Plan
  • Objectives
  • Strategies
  • Tactics
  • Timeline
  • Ressources
  • Conclusion

Among the strategies could be strengthened law enforcement cooperation, targeted sanctions and asset freezes, public awareness campaigns, strengthening of border controls, disruption of the organisation and its allies in both ends of Eurasia.

Joint Report on HKSAR

HKSAR Policy Adress 2023

European Parliament

Mod en strategi for nul forurening, bæredygtighed og cirkulær økonomi

Danmark Posted on Sat, December 16, 2023 19:14:11

I Kolding Kommunes bæredygtighedsstrategi opregnes seks indsatsområder og fem cirkulære designprincipper til at informere eksekveringen af strategien. Der er etableret et bæredygtighedshus, som nu er flyttet fra gågaden til biblioteket pga ressourcehensyn og i erkendelse af, at mobiliseringen af befolkningen ikke er tilstrækkeligt til at skabe forandring. Der er formentligt indsamlet et vis vidensgrundlag, men erhvervslivet er konservativt og registreringerne af, hvordan de forskellige sektorer bidrager til udleding af CO2 bidrager lident til politisk fremdrift og til at Kolding kommer frem i skoene. Det betyder resultaterne har været skuffende af strategien, som skal til eftersyn i det nye år. Samtidigt har der været udvikling i EU-lovgivningen og i den politiske dagsorden. Jeg anbefaler derfor, at man i forbindelse med eftersynet i analytisk henseende sondrer mellem (1) Nul forurening (2) Bæredygtighed ( 3) Cirkulær økonomi. Eller som en mine tidligere damer fortalte mig engang: En kort, en lang, en trekant, en stang.

Nul Forurening

refererer til ambitiøse målsætninger om at eliminere skadelig udledninger, skrald og forureningskilder fra menneskelige kilder. Den sigter efter en verden, hvor industrielle processer, transport og energi produktion skal have minimale eller ingen impact på miljøet.



At opnå nul forurening forudsætter stringent lovgivning, renere teknologier og ansvarlig affaldssortering.


Regeringer spiller en central rolle i at sætte udledningsstandarder, gennemtvinge Eu- og national lovgivning, og fremme bæredygtige praksisser. De politiske beslutningstagere skal balancere økonomisk vækst med miljømæssig beskyttelse.


 Firmaer skal tilegne sig miljøvenlige praksisser, investere i grønne teknologier, og prioritere forurenings reduktion. Samarbejde med de politiske beslutningstagere og NGO’ere er afgørende


Bæredygtighed omfatter en holistisk tilgang der balancerer økonomiske, sociale og miljømæssige aspekter: Bæredygtighed sigter på at realisere nuværende behov uden at kompromittere fremtidige generationers evne til at løfte og realisere deres egne behov. På det mest grundlæggende plan bygger bæredygtighed på en ligning, der sigter på at skabe balance mellem økosystemers integritet og menneskelige behov.



Bæredygtige prakssisser involverer ressource konservering, biodiversitets-beskyttelse og klimahandling. Bæredygtighed fremhæver lang-tids tænkning og modstandskraft.


Social inklusivitet, ligevægt og velvære skal integreres og forholde sig til bæredygtighed. Den skal ligeldes forholde sig til fattigdom, uddannelse, og sundhed og ligeså miljømæssige behov.


Bæredygtig udvikling tager hensyn til økonomisk vækst, jobskabelse og ansvarligt forbrug. Cirkulære forretningsmodeller indordner bæredygtighedsmål.


De politiske beslutningstagere må skabe rammer der fremmer bæredygtige praksisser, opmuntrer grøn innovation og forholder sig til globale udfordringer.


Firmaer vedtager bæredygtighedspraksisser der styrker deres ry, tiltrækker bevidste forbrugere og bidrager til en sundere planet.

Cirkulær økonomi

Definition: Cirkulær økonomi er et regenerativt system der minimerer ressource input, affald og energi lækage. Den fokuserer på at lukke materielle loops gennem design, genbrug, genfremstilling og recycling.



Cirkulære praksisser reducerer ressource ekstraktion, landopfyldning med affald og forurening. Cirkulær økonomi fremmer en genopttende tilgang til naturlige systemer.


Cirkulære forretningsmodeller skaber værdi ved at forlænge produkt livscyklusser, reducerer omkostninger, og ved at fostre innovation. Firmaer drager fordel af ressource effeciens.


Regeringer og de politiske beslutningstagere driver cirkulære initiativer gennem direktiver, incitamenter og samarbejde med industrien.


Firmaer har brug for at redesigne produkter, tilpasse cirkulær forsyningskæder, og engagere i kollaborative øko-systemer. Ansvar ligger hos både private forretninger og regulatorer.

For at opsummere, mens cirkulær økonomi er en specifik tilgang indenfor en bredere ramme af bæredygtighed, indebærer bæredygtighed en mere omfattende vision for at harmonisere miljøet, samfundet med den nuværende og fremtidige generationer. Nul forurening indordner både bæredygtighed og cirkulær økonomi, idet man fremhæver forureningsreduktion og ressource effeciens. De politiske beslutningstagere, forretninger, og individer spiller alle en vital rolle i at opnå de gensidige forbundne mål.

Nogle eksempler på nul forurenings teknologier

Elektriske biler, solar energi, vindmøller, hydroelektrisk energi, geotermisk energi, grønne bygnings materialer, karbon capture og opbevaring (CSS), Vandrensningsværker, Luftrensnings-planter, Lukket kredsløbs fremstilling.

Udfordringer ved bæredygtig udvikling

Fred og Velstand:

At sikre fred og velstand i verden er en stor udfordring. Bæredygtighed sigter på at løfte alle lande, men at opnå denne balance kan være kompleks.

Lighed mellem kønnene:

At give lige adgang til uddannelse og professioner for alle køn forbliver en udfordring.

Miljømæssig beskyttelse

At beskytte planeten, dets økosystemer, og naturlige ressourcer er afgørende. At balancere økonomisk vækst og naturlige ressourcer med miljømæssig bevaring er en delikat opgave.


At adressere klimaforandringer kræver globalt samarbejde og betydelige indsatser

Muligheder for bæredygtig udvikling:

Innovation: Bæredygtig udvikling opmuntrer innovation i rene teknologier, cirkulær økonomi praksisser og fornyebare energikilder.

Social inklusion: Tilbyder muligheder for social lighed, fattigdomsreduktion, og forbedret livsværdi.

Økonomisk vækst: Bæredygtige prakssiser kan drive økonomisk vækst gennem grønne jobs, bæredygtige forretninger og ressource effeciens.

Globalt samarbejde:

Bæredygtig udvikling fostrer internationale partnerskaber og vidensdeling.

Elementer for Kolding Kommunes strategi-eftersyn:

  1. For det første skal nul forurenings teknologier strømlinies systematisk i kommunen
  2. For det andet skal EU-lovgivningen vedrørende bæredygtige boliger implementeres rigorøst og indlejres på planiveau
  3. For det tredje skal der udvikles personlige, sociale og miljømæssige målestandrder/metrik anvendes og træffes konklusioner på af byrådet som led i en årsberetning under den visions-drevne ledelsesform bebudet i 2021.
  4. For det fjerde kunne kommunen opmuntre til en alliance for grøn omstilling i bolig- og transportsektoren.
  5. For det femte bør kommunen går forrest med nuludlednings-biler, en brint-bus på Sydtrafiks regionale rutenet ( Kolding-Haderslev-Vejle), en autonom bus mellem KPAC og byen osv
  6. For det sjette skal biodiversitetsstrategien styrkes og bringes up to date, så at økosystem-planlægning anvendes i stedet for blot MAES-metoden, der er så nullerne vidensøkonomi.
  7. For det ottende skal havmiljøet og biodiversitet i Havpark Lillebælt styrkes og det tværkommunale projekt styrkes.
  8. For det ottende skal Trekantsområdets erhvervsforum samles i Kolding midtby for at drøfte projekter sammen med forvaltning, erhverv og borgerne.
  9. For det niende skal den nye bæredygtighedsstrategi forholde sig til og samtænke andre strategier såsom biodiversitet, fødevarestrategi, innovationsstrategi , det fremtidige teknologi- og videnskabshusets program og Kolding2030-visionen.
  10. For det tiende kunne erhvervsområdet ved Tankedalsvej indtænke cirkulær økonomi tankegang i form af en øko-forretningspark eller en af de fire erhvervshuse gør dette.
  11. For det ellevte kunne glaspyramiden ved Fredensvej genopfindes som enten et sommerfuglehus eller en botanisk have. Da det er en privat boligforening, der ejer pyramiden der henstår ubrugt, tænker jeg mig at kommunen kunne spæde til med uddannelse i fondsansøgnings-kursus på IBA til et medlem af boligforeningens bestyrelse
  12. For det tolvte kunne der rækkes ud til Kina via Confutse-instituttet.

Er kejseren da ved at få klæder på ?

Jeg er ikke i tvivl om, at Stella Steen Nielsen ved hvad hun gør, og har afmålt policy-spacet baseret på en analyse af aktørernes interesser og stedets kultur,en magt – og kulturanalyse. Men nu skal Kolding altså videre i stedet for at stå i stampe.

I EU taler man om at formulere en trinvins udvikling i form af en vækststrategi over en politisk økonomi og så en europæisk kapitalisme. UVL’s flagskibs-projekt, den grønne pagt, er ved at antage form af et europæisk strategisk udviklingsprojekt med implikationer for flere poliltik-områder. Danmark er en førernation på den grønne omstilling og har en rolle at spille, som endnu mangler at blive artikuleret på baggrund af aktøreres ageren og virksomhedernes interesser, mens Region Syddanmark halter bagud på innovation. Kolding er sågar langt bagud på point på den grønne omstilling.

Som altid er problemet ikke manglen på politiske ambitioner, der er problemet, men bevidsthed om de politiske belslutningstagernes ”forpligtelser”, der skal i fokus.

Ilce dixit


Naturgenopretningsloven er det andet ben til Den grønne pagt, som efter intrikate forhandlinger og indrømmelser til de økonomiske aktører, nu er vedtaget. Den forudsætter betydelige tilpasninger under nationale genopretningsplaner bla. skal skovrationen op på 20% allerede i 2030. Den er på 14,5 % i Danmark og Kolding for nuværende. Der er også en regning, der skal fordeles, når Danmarks skovprogram skal revideres og accelereres.

Bæredygtighed i boligparken

Som led i den grønne omstilling skal EU være fit for 55% reduktion i udledninger som led i EU’s grønne lederskab. Hvad er konsekvenserne for Kolding ?

Revision af EU’s Bygningsdirektiv

Industrielle muskler udi cirkulær økonomi

Ingen grøn omstilling, uden industrielle muskler. Ingen revitalisering af havnen, uden udvikling af Koldings økonomi.

Politiets Efterretningstjeneste: Uetisk og overflødig ?

Danmark, Europe Posted on Fri, December 15, 2023 14:05:21

Christian Ilcus[1]

Abstract  The article’s purpose is to contribute to the discussion of the revision of the PET law. The Danish Intelligence and Security Police have faced many challenges and opportunities these years. An excellent opportunity to address those is the revision of the PET law. Based on his own experiences, the author recommends a thorough preparation of a political, strategic, administrative, and economic nature to restore trust in the service and strengthen and modernize its function. At the same time, it is necessary to evaluate how citizens get the most for the buck within an appropriate political framework. The debate has now been launched on the revision of the PET law. The article provides input to that discussion from a political perspective.

Keywords The PET-law, Political leadership, Public Debate.

Indhentning af effterretning har fundet sted siden tidernes morgen,og er ofte gået ubemærket hen eller blevet glemt langt fra dagens moderne efterretningsorganisationer ( Andrew, 2018) . Det dæmrer efterhånden for mange, at der er noget i vejen med PET. Resolut handlen er krævet for at genoprette tilliden til PET, der har udviklet sig fra en vogter af demokratiet til at være et redskab i magthavernes hænder. Det er samtidigt vigtigt, at PET udvikler sig til en professionel organisation og en stimulerende arbejdsplads med fokus på personlig udvikling. Der er brug for et paradigme-skifte i PET. PET angiver på sin hjemmeside, at anledningen hertil kunne være en revision af PET-loven, men de politiske overvejelser kunne også ske forud herfor.Venstre ønsker sig et mere synligt politi, et mere effektivt politi, et mere menneskeligt politi, et mere moderne politi, et mere euro-pæisk politi. Hvordan fremmer man forholdet mellem de regerende og de regerede? Hvad er Dan-marks interesser ? Og med Jørgen Meyers ord spørger jeg: Hvem har styringen ? Hvad med økonomien ?

For det første kunne Folketingets kontroludvalg med efterretningstjenesten styrkes[2]. Denne normalisering-cum-europæisering eller rettere legitimering af EU er imidlertid kun første skridt i formuleringen af en egentlig politik for reform af PET. Jeg foreslår, at der bliver udarbejdet en egentlig PET-Handlingsplan i opløbet til revisionen af PET-loven.

For det andet kunne Tilsynet med efterretningstjenestens mandat udvides, så at borgerne kan klage over operationer. I dag kan borgene bede om indirekte adgang til registrerede materiale. Det er ikke godt nok. Det er for tamt. Dertil skal PET-agenter ikke kunne unddrage sig retsforfølgelse. Straf-procesuelle indgreb skal som hidtil være forudsat af retlig autorisation. De, som ikke overholder disse regler, skal afskedigges. De, der ikke griber ind overfor misbrug på chef-niveau ifalder tilsva-rende ansvar. Der kunne samtidigt oprettes en fund til erstatninger for ofre for PET’s mislykkede operationer. Dem findes der også et par stykker af. ”Dygtigt plot, Hr!”

For det tredje kunne arbejdet med PET’s årsrapport styrkes, så at der afholdes offentlige høringer i Folketinget årligt om tjenestens strategi, behov, indsatsområder og drift. Det er fint med direkte re-ferat til justitsministeren, og at denne har instruksbeføjelser overfor tjenesten, men det er ikke det, der er mit ærinde. Og dog så skal Folketinget fastslå, at det ikke ønsker politik-drevent efteretning, men eftertetnings-ledet operationer. Dette afspejler en ærlig, ansvarlig og professionel approach, som Justitsministeren har at omsætte.

For det fjerde ønsker jeg mig en konsulentundersøgelse af PET’s ledelse-og rekrutteringsforhold samt et strategi-audit (Kernekompetencer, Ressourcer, ”Værdikæde”, Performance, Portefølje, Eksekutionskapabilitet, Swot, Strategisk narrativ, Kvaliteten af strategien, Kvaliteten af Handlings-planer). Graden af ejerskab af nye værdier, realiseringen af delmål, målingen af fremskridt og fast-holdelsen af demokratisk lydhørhed er vigtige faktorer i et strategi audit. Alt for ofte fejler gode og kreative strategier at levere resultater fordi de mangler god analyse og viljen til effektivt at imple-mentere dem. Strategiske audits vurderer bla. graden af opbakning og lidenskab omkring de strate-giske intentioner af en organisation under punktet eksekutionskapabilitet. Kriterier for rekrutte-ringer af sikkerhedsofficerer og agenter omfatter: Erfaring som sikkerhedsofficer, viden om juridiske rammer for efterretningsarbejde og offentlig sikkerhed,  erfaring med rapport-skrivning, fremragende overvågnings- og observationsevner, tech-savvy med erfaring i overvågningssystemer, træning i selvforsvar og førstehjælp, registreret som sikkerhedsofficer, gymnasial eller mellemlang uddannelse samt unionsborger med flydende danskkundskaber.

For det femte mener jeg, at faget efterretning kunne udbydes på statskundskabs- og jurastudierne i København og Århus. Efterretning  er i dag forudsat af åbne og kollaborative miljøer, idet mange efterretninger findes on-line og i videnskabelige artikler. Dyb viden om forhold af relevans for efterretningstjenesterne er ikke længere afledt af klassificerede oplysniger, som måske kun bidrager marginalt til efterretningsprodukters lødighed. Elementær viden om landes politiske systemer og økonomier og international politik og EU-integration synes en ørkenvandring for mange efterret-ningsmiljøer. En mere pro-aktiv og dynamisk efterretingsvæsen er nødvendig for effektivt at for-holde sig til tjenesternes strukturelle og funktionelle svagheder. Det indebærer bredere og bedre interaktion med det akademiske miljø (Røddik Christensen, 2014).

For det sjette kunne et Intel4-eftersyn foretages, så at det bliver sikret at PET har de fornødne kom-petencer og ekspertise indenfor de forskellige efterretningsdiscipliner såsom sigint, humint etc. Den digitale transformations-strategi kunne lede til organisatoriske tilpasninger. Der kunne således op-rettes en teknologi-og cyberafdeling med sammenkomst fra de dele af IT-afdelingen, der er rettet mod operationel effektivitet og anden understøttelse af efterretningsvirksomhed.  Ændringen i kriminalitetsmønstre, ændringer i arbejdsstyrkens prioriteringer og behovet for større organisato-risk sikkerhed driver digital transformation. Dette forudsætter en række nødvendige skridt såsom overvindelse af forhindringer, anerkendelse af behovet for lederskab og forudsigelse af, hvordan tjenesten vil se ud i fremtiden. Digital transformation er endelig forudsat af læring, undersøgelser, formulering og take-off samt studier (Hogue, 2023). Digital transformation fordrer involvering af borgerne og understøttelse af offentlige poltikker. Dette omfatter tillige en  kritisk gennemgang af mer-værdien for analyse-kapacitet og efterretnings-produkter gennem inddragelse af kunstig intelligens, syntetisk biologi, kvantum-computere og kommercielle satelitter relevant for at afdække, om der kan formuleres succeskriterier for deres brug etableres, hvis der skal skejser på bordet (Zegart, 2023). Konsekvensen vil være, at der vil blive tyndet ud i kohorterne, dog alt med måde, så værdifuld erfaring ikke går tabt. Vi skal ikke have amerikanske tilstande i Europa og i Danmark. Folketinget skal samtidigt være meget opmærksom på og udstikke rammerne for brugen af åbne kilder (OSINT) og de dermed forbundne elektroniske software indhøstere. Det gælder ikke miljøet omkring Shia-moskeen på Nørrebronx.

For det syvende skal egne ønsker i PET’s ledelse og blandt medarbejderne inddrages i en PET han-dlingsplan, hvor pres udefra er ønskelig. PET skal således afholde konsultationer internt i hoved-kvarteret og ude i provinsen og fremsætte sine ønsker overfor Jmt. i forbindelse med vedtagelsen af denne handlingsplan. Og hvor er det en smuk udsmykning på 1. sal ude i PET-hovedkvarteret.

For det ottende skal Folketinget partiers in-put tilgodeses. Et tættere samarbejde mellem Center for Økonomisk IT-kriminalitet, PET, CTA, Europol, EnFoPOL og Interpol synes fx ønskværdig, så at effektiv efterforskning og retsforfølgelse af det stigende antal IT-relateret kriminalitet og svindel kan blive styrket. Cyper-truslen er kendetegnet ved tendenser såsom kilder, motiver og formål med angrebene, mål samt operationsmåder. Dette inviterer til en refleksion over tilgangene, metoderne og værktøjerne, der tillader at opnå cybersikkerhed, hvor cyber risici skal håndteres, hvordan man skal organisere sig for at beskytte sig, opdage og reagere. Der er ved at brede sig en numerisk usik-kerhed i samfundet. 80% af de anmeldte sager henlægges med standard-undskyldningen: Der er ingen gerningsmand. Er der ikke tale om at der er tisltrækkeligt beløb involveret, nedprioriteres sagerne tilsvarende, dvs NCIK’s ressourcemæssige prioritieringer har erklæret social slagside. Det er ærlig snak og politisk uholdbart. Cypertruslen rejser samtidigt spørgsmålet om samarbejdet i EU og internationalt ( Salamon & Poupard, 2020). Så dette spørgsmål skal adresseres, hvis Rigspolitiets erkendte oragnisatoriske problemer skal omsættes til flere gysser fra Folketinget med henblik på effektiv kriminalitetsbekæmpelse. Mere åbenhed, mere relevans, tak.

For det niende er et styrket europæisk samarbejde på efterretningsområdet forudsat af tillid og en fælles trusselsanalyse. Samarbejde om et bedre situationsbillede om kommende og potentielle kriser kunne være udgangspunnktet herfor (Wessel & Szep, 2022). EU’s alliance-klausul omfatter terro-risme og naturkatastrofer, så på disse to punkter er samarbejde mellem myndighederne oplagt. Også på dette punkt er IT et nærliggende udgangspunkt for en bredere og bedre offentlig politik indenfor en europæisk ramme. Jeg foreslår samtidig , at et Europæisk Efterretningsskole bliver oprettet for at styrke integrationen af akadmikere med efteretningsspecialer i opbygningen af samarbejdet på efterretningsområdet i EU.

For det tiende kunne Justitsministeriets ønsker imødekommes, når det kommer til de helt nødven-dige justeringer og forandringer i PET, der skal finde tilbage til sin kerneopgave for at genoprette tilliden i befolkningen, uden at underminere formålet med PET-loven, samtidigt med at organisatio-nen moderniseres og styrkes indenfor den givne bevillingsramme (Justitsministeriet, 2022). Mere sikkerhed for relativt flere penge istedet for flere penge og mindre sikkerhed.

For det ellevte skal reguleringen og forvaltningen af personsikkerhedsafdelingen underkastes et serviceeftersyn. PET har efter eget udsagn opgaver relateret til sikkerhedsgodkendelse af over 35.000 mennesker årligt. Det er alt for mange, og efterlader et indtryk af, at staten har mange fjend-er, og at de politiske magthavere søger at klamre sig til magten. Det spildes der mange ressourcer på, som måske er bedre anvendt på kontra-spionage, idet PET ”søger at forebygge, efterforske og modvirke efterretningsaktiviteter udført af fremmede stater i Danmark og mod danske interesser i udlandet”. Andre ressourcemæssige prioriteringer kan aftales i konsultation med Folketinget.

For det tolvte er det væsentligt, at der opstår en bedre forståelse af de politiske beslutningstageres behov og hvordan de kan gøre brug af efterretningsprodukter. Der er samtidigt flere kunder i butikken. Virksomheder, borgere, ministre,embedsmænd og poltikkere. PET synes at opfatte folk med smartphones eller med narrativer som en trussel. Et narrativ er en fortælling med en sammen-hængende række af begivenheder eller hændelser, der har en begyndelse, en midte og en afslutning. Et univers er en samling af ideer, værdier og overbevisninger, der er fælles for en gruppe mennesker eller sub-kulturer. Disse begreber kan bruges til at beskrive den måde, som mennesker opfatter verden på og skaber mening i deres liv. Hvis det udgør en potentiel trussel eller opfattes som konkurrenter, som skal vies ressourcer, så var det måske en tanke værd enten at socialisere PET eller at stille psykologer til rådighed for tejenstens ansatte. Det virker en kende latterligt, og er nok et symptom på en bredere malaise som følge af teknologiseringen. Transparens, Tempo og Demokratisk ansvarlighed er nøgleordene i fremtidens PET.

For det trettende skal PET-loven ændres. PET’s institutionelle historie og dets lovbestemte mandat tilsiger, at den varetager opgaver i relation til Danmark og Rigsfællesskabets selvstændighed og sikkerhed. Den er samtidig sikkerhedsmyndighed i relation til NATO og EU, en opgave som PET respekterer. Tjenesten er generelt opfattet som konservativ, men pro-europæisk. Grundholdningen er, at der skal være en balance mellem økonomisk fornuft og forsvaret af Rigsfællesskabets inte-gritet, knyttet til en  magtbalance i Europa. Det ændrer sig nok ikke over tid, omend strategierne der bringes i anvendelse for at opnå målet vil kunne variere. I modsætning til tjenestens opfattelse udgør Tyskland imidlertid ikke længere en trussel, mens der er bred opbakning til monarkiet i be-folkningen sålænge de kongelige gør deres job og gør det godt. Javist, Danmarks geografiske pla-cering er hvad som gør landet internationalt intressant. Bueaukratiske egen-interesser informerer imidlertid ofte opgave-varetagelsen, så derfor er det nødvendigt at der bliver givet klare politiske signaler af lovgiver, dersom domstolene måtte fastslå at vi er begyndt at få landsforrædere herhjemme og at den uforløste skam over besættelsen med alt hvad dette indebærer måske ikke er overvundet i alle kredse. Sagerne mod Claus Hjort og Lars Findsen demonstrerer, hvor langt ude et fritløbende bureaukrati og middelmådige, egen-interesserede politikkere kan skævvride et justits-system. Man skyder fugle med kanoner. Som den tidligere politisk ansvarlige på forsvarsområdet har Claus Hjort et ansvar for at sikre, at der er opbakning til de tiltag, regeringen foretager sig. For et demokrati dør i mørket. Det kan også dø ved dagslys. Der var behov for at styrke dansk økonomi, stoppe blødsødenheden overfor udlændninge og rette op på nogle historiske uretfærdigheder overfor landproletariatet og yderområderne. Danmark havde også brug for at genvinde sin militære stolthed. Og nu er Danmark videre. Claus Hjort er et symbol på genopretningen. Så nytter det ikke noget at fremstå som tonedøve, nogle lilleputanere eller sågar degenerede gate-keepers i tegnet på militari-seringen af verdensøkonomien. Det kan godt være, dette ikke er intentionen, men det er indtrykket, og det er i sig selv et problem. Derudover forventer jeg, at Folketinget vedtager lovgivning om reverse targetting, om maskering samt need to know-divulgering, hvis en forestående fare imod dansk og europæisk sikkerhed som gør det nødvendigt at maskerne i nettet strammes omkring danske statsborgere eller unions-borgere.

For det fjortende kunne kommunikationen på web-fladen styrkes noget bla. med månedelig blog-indlæg af PET-chefen. Jeg vil foreslå en udtømmelig omtale af det strategiske udgangspunkt: Vision, Mission og Værdier. Strategierne skal formentligt ikke offentliggøres men alene omtales. Et strategi-statement kunne dog kommunikeres omfattende beskrivelse af muligheder, forhindringer til succes, artikulation af logikken hvormed organisation vil overvinde forhindringerne samt en klar forbindelse mellem de forskellige strategier og PET’s handlinger. Logikken elller rækkefølgen: PET-lov, Strategisk Udgangspunkt, Strategi-statement, Organisation, Økonomisk Ramme.Brug af story-telling sker på medarbejderniveau på BND’s hjemmeside. PET kunne også gøre brug af story-telling , der sigter på at opbygge relationer med borgerne og hjælpe til at inspirere andre i fælles-skabet, mens man er tro mod missionen og PET’s stemme ( Biesenbach, 2012). Pointen er, at det ikke er tilstrækkeligt at fortælle, hvordan PET hjælper med at levere sikkerhed, men ligefem at fortælle om resultaterne af tjenestens arbejde for borgernes liv. I en digital tidsalder organiseret i netværk, er det vigtigt med intelligens til at forvandle information til viden eller efterretning, mens følelser kan anvendes til at tænke sig godt om. Følelser kan ofte skabe blokeringer, hvis der ikke sættes ord herpå hvilket kan forhindre et tilfrestillende indre arbejdsliv og meningsfulde resultater i personale-ledelse med afmittende virkninger på efterforskningsarbejdet[3]. EQ kommer i flere lag, der alle kan tillæres: Følelsesmæssig perception: Det første skridt involverer at forstå følelser præcist og på ikke verbalt niveau. Det andet skridt er at ræssonere ved hjælp af følelser for at fremme tænkning og kognitiv aktivitet. Det tredje skridt er at forstå følelser. Evnen til at forstå følelsessproget og at værdsætte komplicerede forbindelser mellem følelser og de handlinger følelser afstedkommer. Det fjerde skridt involverer evnen til at regulere følelser i både os selv og i andre[4]. EQ leder således til selv-bevidsthed og selv-beherskelse, sociale færdigheder, empati og motivation, men kan også anvendes til at påvirke andres adfærd forudsat selv-indsigt. Ansatte, der er tunede ind i deres børns følelsesliv, har en bedre evne til at forbinde med andre på et dybere niveau, hvormed resonans for et ”os” opstår. Måske kan EQ ligefrem anvendes som afsæt for og inddrage spørgsmå-let om velvære og en subjektiv følelse af sikkerhed på mikro-niveau, et relativt nyt forskningsom-råde indenfor sikkerhedsindustrien (Webb & Wills-Herrera, 2012).

For det femtende er Justsitsministeriet generelt kendetegnet ved dårlig ledelse, og gode administra-torer. Forsvarsministeriet har mange gode ledere, og en del dårlige forvaltere. Derfor skal uddannel-sen af lederne og kadrene gennemgås og styrkes i denne handlingplans ånd. Styrkelse af den interne uddannelse på Justitsministeriets område på ledelsesniveau og medarbejderniveau synes presse-rende. Hvis der ikke er etableret et bibliotek i Buddinge sker dette.

For det sekstende kunne PET-agenter årligt afsætte en weekend til at arbejde i udsatte fællesskaber.

For det syttende skal Folketinget tilkendegive, hvad det er for værdier, PET skal stå for. PET er ikke den eneste efterretningstjeneste, der opgiver sine agenter, hvis de bliver fanget på fersk gerning som Samsam antageligt blev det. Folketinget kunne derfor gøre det klart, at sådan spiller klaveret ikke. Domstolene skal tilsvarende sætte PET stolen for døren i denne skamfulde sag. Det forudsætter mere end en attitude-ændring i PET. Måske er der en dybtsiddende racisme i etaten og et behov for at arbejde med kulturen som en forandringsfaktor indefra (Heskett & Kotter, 2022).

For det attende skal kvinders rolle og problemer adresseres. Kvinder møder kønsmæssige bias og diskrimination, mangel på repræsentation og har brug for poltikker for work-life balance. De bedste kvindelige agenter er intelligente, fysisk fit, har gode kommunikationsevner, er tilpasningsdygtige, opfindsomme og modstandsdygtige. Men der findes også brådne kar og kvindelige patologier udover depression og angst, spiseforstyrrelser, PTSD og borderliner personlighedsforstyrrelse. Disse vedrører kvinders problemer med deres seksualitet, mangel på personlig udvikling og ondskabsfuldhed, personlig-hedstræk der kan udnyttes af opportunistiske overordnede så at det understøtter politiske formål, der afspejler utilpassethed, fremmer ineffektive teams samt understøtter personlige karrierestrategier. Denne farce og forvirring, nonsenses og julelege stopper nu. En af flere måder det kan ske på er gennem personlighedstests eventuelt i kontekst med en fristilling af PET’s ansatte, så at følelses-mæssig hæmmethed, sociopatisk adfærd og tvangsneu-roser og anden Nordic Noir-materiale opdages i tide med henblik på at eliminere udadreagerede adfærd og misbrug af tilknytningsbehov fra tjenestens virke. Dertil skal ukrudt rives op ved rode på ledelsesgangen, så at den kønsløse fundamentalisme blandt etatens ansatte ophører. Det gælder både i Buddinge og ude i provinsen. Behøver jeg at nævne navne ?

For det nittende forekommer det nærliggende, at alle sikkerhedstjenester i Den Europæiske Union oversætter deres hjemmesider til engelsk, så at alle unionsborgere har mulighed for at følge med i, hvad der foregår og for at anmelde forhold, man mener er mistænkelige indenfor områder omfattet af efterretningstjenesternes virksomhed. For eksempel kunne Europol rumme links til anmeldelse af terrorisme, mens ”reporting a terror crime” , ”counter-terrorism police and agency” skal gøres søg-bart i alle medlemslandene og linke til den stedlige efterretingstjeneste. Europols efterretnings-enhed vil formentlig også skulle kunne tage imod anmeldelser om terror-mistanke ad åre.

For det tyvende skal den rolle, virkeområde og de midler der afsættes til private sikkerhedsfirmaer gøres til genstand for en komparativ analyse med henblik på at sikre, at det offentlige voldsmonopol fastholdes gennem velsmurte og tilstrækkeligt bestykket politiorganisationer i Danmark og en nogenlunde ensartet praksis på området i Den Europæiske Union ( Volquartzen, 2020).

For det en-og-tyvende anbefaler jeg, at Retsudvalget foreslår formuleringer i den nye PET-lov ved-rørende de krav, der skal stilles til PET-chefen i form af kvalifikationer og baggrund. For eksempel: ”PET-chefen skal være samfundsvidenskabelig kandidat med politifaglig og ledelsesmæssig bag-grund, og med solide erfaringer indenfor et politisk-administrativt system. Han/Hun må ikke være medlem af et politisk parti eller have organisatoriske loyaliteter af politisk art. PET-chefen udnævn-es ved kongelig resolution per indstilling af Justitsministeren efter offentlig høring i Retsudvalget. PET-Chefens mandat løber i 8 år og kan ikke fornys.”

Kontroludvalget kunne endeligt, for det to-og-tyvende, blive forelagt PET’s operationelle retnings-linjer og have en grundig drøftelse heraf. Indholdet af de operationelle retningslinjer kunne omfatte følgende elementer:  (1) Formålet med retningslinjerne (2) Omfanget af retningslinjerne (3) Princip-perne der understøtter retningslinjerne (4) Rollerne og ansvaret som efterretningsofficerer og de involverede agenter i operationer har (5) Den juridiske ramme indenfor hvilken operationer udføres (6) Procedurerne for indhentningen, analysen og distributionen af efterretninger[5].

Denne handlingsplans forskellige punkter afspejler mit bidrag til debatten, min overbevisning om, hvor der skal sættes ind og hvad der skal prioriteres. Dette skal så strikkes sammen med henblik på effektiv politisk beslutningstagning. Et politforlig venter forude. Dette siger jeg helt uden følelser af hævngerrighed , men ud af et ægte politisk enagement og vurdering af, hvad stuationen kræver. Jeg lægger vægt på at være en aktiv deltager i demokratiet.

For mig er sagen klar: PET skal sættes stolen for døren og have et langt stærkere og bedre kvalificeret modspil. Tjenestens skandaløse behandling af usyldige borgere, omgang med kriminelle, hykleriske og opportunistiske politiske adfærd skal der sættes en stopper for. Det er nødvendigt, at PET bliver forvandlet til en moderne, europæisk slagkraftig organisation, der kan levere til alle kunderne i butikken. Her er der ingen mana fra himmelen eller selvtjenende præsteskaber og anden form for social kontrol fra en forbigangen æra. Der er forskel på en politi-stat, teknokrati med borgerindragelse og på ægte folkeligt forankring og demokrati indenfor en passende europæisk ramme.,-

PET skal fokusere på at modvirke undergravelsen af demokratiet, beskyttelse af infrastruktur, anti-terror samarbejdet, bekæmpe organiseret kriminalitet, forhindre anti-radikalisering, og varetage opgaver relateret til kontra-spionage. Respekt for menneskerettighederne skal være en del af PET’s DNA. Der vil derfor blive ansat en Menneskerettighedsofficer i PET til at sikre dette. Mennesket først. Kulturelle og andre barrierer og klar kommunikation, følelsesmæssig intelligens, relations-skabelse skal sikre, at implementeringen af denne handlingsplan er succesfuld. Og PET’s magt-brynje og nationalisme bliver forvandlet til hvad der er rigtigt for mennesket, godt for fællesskabet, gavner Europa.                                  

 Ilce dixit


Andrew, Christopher The secret world, A History of Intelligence, 2018.

Rob Biesenbach Unleash the power of Story-telling: Win hearts, Change minds, Get results, 2018.

James Heskett & John Kotter Win from within: Build Organizational Culture for Competitive Advantage, Columbia UP, 2022.

Faisal Hoque Reinvent: Navigating Business Transformation in a Hyber digital Era, Greenleaf, 2023.

Justitsministeriets rapport om erfaringerne med PET-loven, Jmt. TASK-Force PET, 2022.

Røddik Chrsitensen, Mikkel ”PET: En National Sikkerhedsmyndighed – en dekonstruktion af PET’s kommunikation om efterretningstjenesternes rolle i samfundet”, Center for Kommunikation & Ledelse, CBS, 2014 [online]

Volquatrzen Mette ”Udlicitering af polities opgaver i Danmark og Sverige, Nordisk Tidsskrift for Kriminalvidenskab, 1, 2020 [online]

Webb, Dave & Wills-Herrera Subjective Well-Being and Security, Springer, 2012.

Wessel, Ramses A. & Szép, Viktor. ‘Towards Intelligence Cooperation in the EU?’. European Foreign Affairs Review 27, no. 3 (2022): 307–312.

Zegart, Amy B. Spies, Lies and Algorithms, Highbridge, 2022.

Yann Salamon & Poupard, Guillaume Cybersecurité et Cyberdefense: Enjeux Strategique 2020.

[1] Cand.scient.pol.Selv-beskæftiget. Medlem af Venstre.

[2] Parliamentary  oversight of Security and intelligence agencies in the European Union, Directorate-general for Internal Policies Policy Department. Citizen’s Rights and Constitutional affairs, 2011.

[3] Kendra Cherry “Emotional Intelligence: How we perceive, Evaluate, Express , and Control Emotions”[online]

[4] The Theories of Emotional Intelligence Explained[online]

[5] How spies operate [online]

College of Europe: The way forward

Europe Posted on Sat, November 11, 2023 15:55:45

                      For some time now, I have observed the developments of my alma mater, College of Europe, with trepidation and growing concern. I graduated in 1995 as part of the fierce Ramon Llul-promotion. I want to see changes to how the College is managed and the product – the kind of candidates – it puts on the job market and onto the European institutions.

Here are some points for your use and consideration on how to put the College on a right keel.

1.The Diplomatic Academy

It is a welcome decision to establish a Diplomatic Academy, and a long-standing desire of the European Parliament since the publication of the Galleano-report I+II. But this is not the message College of Europe is sending when it runs two parallel tracks – a diplomatic academy and a master in diplomacy and international relations. This signals an unfortunate inclination to import divisions about what the EEAS is and should be: the external branch of the EU Commission, The Diplomatic Service of the EU, a prolonged arm of the member states. Clearly, the EEAS is and should be all three things at the same time. This is already discernible from the recruitment base of EEAS determined in Article 27. Lets build on that. So much more should momentum be building for CFSP to become an exclusive competence of the EU Commission ( via a merger of title V and Part V towards a shared competence in terms of artivle 2(2), QMW and an External Secretary). Instead, the students are made into guinea pigs and an arena for grown-ups to play out their disagreements. And the female practice of competing over their children’s education, dress and looks reinforces thsi impression and is a passion gone astray which often lead to abuses.  This nonsense must stop.

Thus, I expect the Administrative Council to make a decisions on merging the master program in diplomacy and the diplomatic academy as soon as possible based on a comparative study on other region’s diplomatic academies and a hard-nosed assessment of the optimal use of resources.

2.From Executive training to CoE – Centre of Leadership

The College of Europe has decided to establish an executive training module. I endorse this projet since the specialized nature of EU integration suggest special insights into how executive disciplines apply to an EU context. I want a sharpening of this trend by establishing a College of Europe Center of Leadership proper which shall offer courses at a substantial reduced rate to the students, which should be compulsory and possibly on-line. The course offerings would draw on existing offerings that are currently optional clusters within the generalised course program, and should be professionalized in cooperation with leading business schools such as LSE, IMD, Insead, Administradores, Stanford, Harvard, MIT. etc. The rank-and-file of the member state’s foreign ministries should similiarly do compulsory vocational training on-site or on-line at a higher rate. Alumni offered courses at a reduced rate. Outsiders invited in at full rate. In the future, public leaders and not mere bureaucrats are to come out of the educational fabric of College of Europe, candidates who are not being stressed and put through the pressure cooker but who are given  time to grow and given space to develop into creative, versatile and effective European public leaders.

It is not enough to be a man of peace. If you cannot think clearly, you cannot do good deeds. Personal development and professional training is a human right. And while the act of leadership is a performance act, developing into a leader is not one of man’s innate faculties but an applied art which often begins with an inner journey.

3.College of Europe-South in Tirana

This must be the oddest new kid on the block. I don’t doubt the need for a better-funded study of South Eastern Europe, the need for deep country knowledge, and the need for massive investments as the Eu reconstructs its enlargement startegy.,- Europe must be brought into Se Europe, Balkans into EU. The 2+4bn allocated by the EU summit in Tirana suggests like a tailor in Hell. It is high noon someone take the spoon into the right hand.

Turkey has an important role in underpinning Euro-Atlantic integration of the Balkans,has its own interests, but also need to internalise rather than instrumentalise Europe. The study of the foreign policies of the South East European countries seems a neglected area. The South-Eastern Europe straddles the Adriatic, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. This has implications for the design of the program still to be grasped beyond litterary accounts. There is the Jewish heritage of Thessaloniki and Sarajevo, home to the Sarajevo Haggadah a propos ex nihilo creations. There are several works out now ( Bechev, Morys, Hannappi, Dallara , Geddes, Keil, Liebscher,Kentera, King and Frykman, Bartlett & Uvalic, Florian Bieber, David Nicolle, Pål Kolstø, Benett & Kincaid, Hans Vermeulen & van Boeschoten Migration in the Southern Balkans, Rashkova & Sankina, Grandits, Grigore & Dinu, Jens Schmitt, Hadzialic, Schreiner & Jens Schmitt, Istvan Vasary Cumans and Tartars, Russel King & Povrazanovic Frykman, Dragostiova & Ivanova. Dzankic & Keil, & Kacarska, Carola Sachse, David Nicolle’s Cross and Crescent , Rhoads Murphy Imperial Legacies, Dimitris Stamatopoulos’ European revolutions and The ottoman Balkans War, Frederick Anscombe, Stefka Parveva Village, Town, People. Erkan Karakoc & Ali Serdar Mete The Balkan Wars, Evguenia Davidova Wealth in the Ottoman Balkans, James D. Tracy Balkan Wars, Misha Glenny, Leyla Amzi Erdogular The Afterlife of Ottoman Empire, Daut Dauti Britain and the Albanian National Question, Aleksandar Pavlovic Rethinking Serbia-Albania Relations, Andrew Rawson Balkan Struggles: A century of Civil War, Invasion, Coomunism and Genocide, Sylvie Gangloff La Perception de heritage ottoman dans les Balkan, Mark Mozower, Alina Mungiu-Peppidi, Marie Janine Calic not to mention Ivetic and Kaplan on the Adriatic). That is to say, the stabilisation of the Western Balkans requires more than an EU membership perspective and anger management in Moscow’s direction. It has always involved dynamic disequilibria inside the EU , and turned around Serbia’s orientation, the quality of the politicians in Bosnia and Albanian nationalism. Underlying all this is the grand bargain between Germany and France, whereby EU would develop its defence policies in return for Turkey’s accession to EU, provided a solution on Cyprus and domestic reform, and between Germany and the United States whereby EU and NATO accession would run in parrallel. From the regional perspective, the accession of Macedonia and Montenegro remains a priority. To lead change, strong leadership and good management are necessary. Thus, the rationale of the Tirana-project is not convincing or has not been articulated in a convincing manner and does not address the challenges and opportunites of the situation. It seeks to shape an essentially open-ended process – on the cheap. The quality of the faculty is uncertain. It largely depends on the director of studies, who is now being hired.

We hear: The Albanian government wanted this. So what ? In Natolin, there was a campus and student residences. In Tirana, we are told there are modern dormitories in a high-riser out of which 15 cubicles are reserved for COE-students and that the Tirana branch will be housed temporarily in the ISE- institute and that Eu studies 30 years after the fall of the Wall remain buried in the Department of Philology – Hoxha. Another oddity is the title of the master offered: The Transformation and Integration master. By happenstance, I adhere to the transformation school and I am coaching in my leadership style, but since when has the educational streams of the College been titled after theoretical schools ? Is the problem the professors are not sufficiently trained in leadership ? Does Albania have a problem moving from myth to reality ?

I propose to shelve the project and to reinforce the training in subjects related to the south-eastern Europe, to increase the number of scholarships available for the Balkan students and to triple funding for the production of educational material on topical issues related to South-Eastern Europe. Support for changes in educational policy and recruitment of young talent may also underpin transformation of the Albanian institutions and should threfore be wholheaertedly endorsed by the EU throughout SE Europe within time, budget and competences and on a how to do it-basis.

Certainly, EU membership may contribute to mature Albania as a political nation, the relationship between generations and the state-society nexus. The College of Europe, however, is an elite European prep school, an open and multinational institution with its own road show where stundets learn, sleep and eat together in one ensemble. The intention is to make the CoE-alumni apt for collective action, to step in and make deals in the Europen institutions when things get off track or get stuck contrary to other bottom-up heavy universities. The College regularly act as a relay for policy-makers during the year of study both for its own sake to participate in the construction of Europe and, in order to socialize its alumni into their future roles and to underpin the esprit de corps of the fonctionnaires of the European institutions and the EU policy-making system. For a minority, this leads to conformism and even rhinoceritis. This has been sought rectified by a greater emphasis on critical thinking and rigoruos analysis, but this remedy only goes so far.

The College of Europe is not an agent of organisational transformation of existing structures let alone a tool for enhancement of the professional interests of mutually inseminated illyrian tribes.

Three possibilties: (1) A Joint Degree Program on South Eastern European Studies (2) The building of a campus with student residences covered by the Albanian government in return for which the College could contribute what it is able and willing to set aside (3) The financing of the Coe-South campus – building structures and student residences – by the EU and private funds in return for which the Albanian government pledges to build needed institutions in town and /or around the country such as business academies, universities, design schools, management schools, research institutes etc etc. No program should be launched before the physical and academic infrastructure is in place.

If the facilities are not the right ones and the salary structure not attractive enough, it becomes difficult to attract high quality academics, staffs and talents. The program must aim at hiring American, Serbs, Romanian, German, French,Italian, Scandinavian-Baltic and perhaps even a Turkish professor. You know who I think of. My support is otherwise as well premised on Coe-South, in time, encompass and attracts professor and students from the Black Sea and the Mediterranean in a happy osmosis. Can Tirana deliver ? Is the College of Europe interested in engaging in earnest ?

4. Strategic alliances

Alliance-making is a natural part of what educational institutions do such as the one the College have with the Fletcher School of Diplomacy. This should be extended notably to IDC-Herzeliya, which is a private university that offers a certificate in European studies. After all, Hendrik Brugmans, the founder and first rector of the College of Europe, was a converted jew. This is not an original sin nor is  it right. We need to repair the world, Tikkun Olam the Jews call it, and the best thing to do so is to reach out to the Israeli institution who has the greatest potential to emulate the College’s ethos in the Middle East. I might add, 25% of Israel’s population feel European, 25% Middle Eastern, 25% Jewish and 25% replies they don’t think they belong anywhere. Whose mistake is it if we can’t provide our Jewish brother sind sisters with a sense of belonging and identity ?

5.Eu-China Chair

As the EU-China Cai is ratified, it is nearby that a new sponsor is found for the EU-China Centre. In time, this should lead to the delegation of certain tasks to the CoE  Eu-China Centre for the promotion of EU Studies in China, an important challenge and responsibility. On-line education is also potentially big business these days.

Can you follow me ?

Ilce dixit


Uncategorised Posted on Tue, October 03, 2023 19:17:55

Danmark har ikke en specifik industriel strategi for bæredygtig vækst, men har flere strategier og initiativer,der sigter mod at styrke den grønne omstilling og bæredygtigheden af den danske økonomi og industri. Nogle af disse strategier er:

Strategien for cirkulær økonomi: Denne strategi blev lanceret i 2018 med det formål at gøre Danmark til et foregangsland for cirkulær økonomi. Den indeholder 27 initiativer, der skal fremme genanvendelsen og genbrug af materialer, reducere ressourceforbruget og affaldsmængden, skabe nye forretningsmodeller og arbejdspladser samt styrke inter-nationalt samarbejde om cirkulær økonomi. Omstillingen til cirkulær økonomi er basret på tre strategier: (1) Skabe cirkulære ressourcestrømme gennem genanvendelse (2) Forlænge materialernes brugs-og genbrugsfaser gennem renovering og genfremstilling (3) reducere brugen af naturlige ressourcer og maksimere effektiviteten i produktionsprocesser[1]

Klimaplanen for grøn industri Denne plan blev lanceret i 2020 med det formål at reducere drivhusgasudledningerne fra industrien med 70 procent i 2020 i forhold til 1990. Den indeholder 38 initiativer, der skal fremme energieffektivitet, vedvarende energi, biogas, CO2-fangst og læring, grøn brint og elektrificering i industrien[2]. Planen omfatter øget brug af grøn strøm og øge energi-effektiviteten i industrien, udbud af støtte til biogas og andre grønne gasser, styrkelse af forskning og udvikling af nye klimateknologi, etable-ring af klimapartnerskab mellem regeringen og industrien. Der er vedtaget sektor-handlingsplaner indenfor forskellige områder for eksempel en strategi for udvikling af grønne brændstoffer[3] og en national strategi for bæredygtigt byggeri[4]

Strategien for bæredygtig udvikling  denne strategi blev lanceret i 2021 med det formål at bidrage til at opfylde FN’s 17 verdensmål for bæredygtig udvikling siden 2030. den indeholder 70 initiativer, der skal fremme social, økonomisk og  miljømæssig bære-dygtighed i Danmark og globalt. Den dækker blandt andet områder såsom klima- og naturbeskyttelse, ligestilling og inklusion, sundhed og uddannelse, demokrati og menneskerettigheder, fred og sikkerhed, handel og udviklingssamarbejde[5].

En Industriel strategi for bæredygtig vækst en industriel strategi bæredygtig vækst er en plan eller et sæt af politikker der sigter på at fremme udviklingen og konkurrence-dygtigheden af en specifik sektor i et land eller en region, mens den bidrager til miljømæssig, social og økonomisk bæredygtighed. En industriel strategi for bæredygtig vækst kan omfatte forskellige elementer, såsom

  • Investering i forskning og innovation, navnligt i grønne og digitale teknologier, at fostre produktivitet, konkurrencedygtighed og modstandskraft i industrien
  • Støtte uddannelse i udviklingen af færdigheder, navnlig i videnskab, teknologi, ingeniør og matematik for at matche de nuværende og fremtidige behov i industrien og skabe kvalitetsjobs
  • Forbedre infrastrukturen og digitaliseringen såsom transport, energi og vand, affald og bredbåndsnetværk, effeciens og bæredygtighed i industrien
  • Reformere reguleringen og standarder, såsom miljømæssig, sundhed og sikkerhed, forbrugerbeskyttelse og konkurrenceregler, at skabe et level  playing field for industrien og stimulere innovation og kvalitet
  • Give skatte og finansielle incitamenter såsom subsidier, bevillinger, lån, garantier og skattelettelser, at støtte industriens transition til en lav-karbon og cirkulær økonomi.
  • Øget handels og markedsadgang såsom gennem handels aftaler, markedsovervågning og eksportfremme, at åbne op for nye muligheder for industrien i globale markeder
  • Engagere interesenter og civilsamfundet, for eksempel gennem social dialog, konsultation og deltagelsesmekanisme for at sikre industriens legitimitet, holdes til ansvar og stimulere social ansvarlighed.

Det skal sammenholdes med, at Eu netop har vedtaget en industriplan for den grønne pagt med henblik på at styrke den europæiske nulemission-industris konkurrenceevne og for at understøtte en hurtig omstilling til klimaneutralitet. Det skal ske ved at skabe et mere gunstigt miljø for at øge produktionskapaciteten for de nulemissionsteknologier- og produkter, der er nødvendige for at nå Europas ambitiøse klimamål. Der er over 4,5 millioner arbejdspladser indenfor sektoren i EU og værdien af Eu’s økosystem af nystartede nulemsissionsvirksomheder i 2021 var 100 milliarder i 2021. Industriplanens fire indsatsområder: Forudsigelighed og forenklet lovgivning, hurtigere adgang til finansiering, udvikling af færdigheder samt åben handel, der giver stærkere forsyningskæder.

Så siger det sig selv, at Danmark er nødt til at strikke en industriplan sammen, så koordineret handling og partnerskab opstår. Et sted for Kolding at bidrage kunne være ved at indtænke øko-forretningspark-tænkning ind i erhvervsområdet ved Tankedalsvej.

Christian ILCUS



[3] https://kefm.dk7aktuelt/nykeder/2021/sep/regeringen-fermskynder-klimaindsatsen-med-koereplan-til-ny-2025-deadline?ssp=1&darkschemeovr=06setlang0da-DK6safesearch=moederate

[4] National strategi for bæredygtig byggeriæredygtigt-byggeri?ssp=1&darkschemeovr=06setlang=da-DK&safesearch=moderate#

[5] Udvikling med omtanke – fælles ansvar [online]

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