For there to be movement on the ratification of the CAI between China and the EU, it is generally understood progress are necessary in how Beijing approaches the Xinjiang province. While I am not aware of the details of the conflicts and needs of each parties, I deduce from reading James A. Milward’s book Eurasian Crossroads that Chinese policy has relapsed into a sort of colonial enterprise, which is unbalanced and not putting the fish on the table. The difficulty lies in how to articulate those conflicts and needs in order to provide a basis for mutual understanding towards a negotiation and win-win-solutions. Before getting down to business it is necessary to get a dialogue started, which is by the way primarily a Chinese responsibility.

As a European, I stand ready to bond with Chinese representaives in a strategy process where top management act as catalysators for the development of new strategies, and middle managers identify, implement and evaluate the possibilities for change.

This process architecture could involve giving impetus to the following elements:

  • Sacking of Chen Quangou, CCP’s Party Secretary in Xinjiang
  • UN-China Action Plan on Human Rights and protection of minorities in Xinjiang
  • Action Plan on Afghanistan
  • Abolishment of reeducation camps
  • ILO-China Action Plan
  • Labor Commission under Tuniyaz’ remit
  • Review of Anti-poverty Policies ( led by Ilham Tothi)
  • Comprehensive Investment & Economic Development Plan in Xinjiang ( in cooperation with xyz & Ilham Tothi)
  • Review of arrangements on revenue sharing between Urumqi & Beijing.
  • Curtailment of Han migration into Xinjiang
  • Repatriation of Xinjiang population transferred into China
  • Joint Xinjiang-Beijing Study on the development of Xinjiang’s Local Autonomy
  • Joint Commission between Xinjiang Regional Autonomy Government and the Ministry of State Security on Anti-terrorism: Institution Building, Legislative Framework and Policies
  • EU-China Study into Xinjiang emigrants residing in the EU.
  • The building of an EU-Central Asia-China Community Center in Urumqi with the working title Shuzi.