The European Central Bank has decided to redesign the €uro-bills, and launched a process of internal deliberation and consultation with the EU Citizenry. I have recently participated in a survey on the design of these new Euro-bills, which allowed for the choice between different design themes such as Celtic rivers, heritage, the environment , science-based, and personalities, each associated with different story-lines. My favorite one was European heritage, but I don’t think the decision-makers should rest at one theme. On the contrary they should be combined. I propose the merger of three themes for the design theme of the future Euro-bills: Personalities, Heritage & Nature. This leads me to the following proposed designs:

5 Euro


The Alps

European Bison

10 Euro

Niels Bohr

Pazilais monastery

Tablet of Cypriot Syllabary

20 Euro


Circular of Royal Dacian Capitals from Sarmizegetusa

Peilican from the Danube Delta taking off from water with wings basking

50 €uro


La Sagrada Familia


100 €uro

Jean Monnet

Lascaux painting

European Parliament

200 €uro

Vasco da Gama

Wild flowers (Orchidées, Tulips, Cherry blossoms, Poppies, Crocusses , Almond Blossoms, Wisteria).

Prague Hrad

Having applied itself to resolve the redesign issue and making space for others  to address the issue of how to make the EU into a pole in international politics, I propose the ECB proceed to rationalize the numbers of mints in Europe, without denying the national central banks members of the ECB to issue special coins, even as the number of designs on coins circulating in Europe are somewhat reduced.

On policy, I welcome the strengthening of accountability and dialogue with the European Parliament. This must extend into a public hearing on how to strengthen the international role of the Euro pur-suant to the annual report of the ECB, and a judge-led commission into the EU’s management of the debt crisis. Stream the ECB’s hearings in Parliament.

At the level of research, there is a tendency for ECB staffers to be narrowly focused on studies done by economists. Allow yourself to play broader. Invite interdisciplinary studies topics on such topics as the political economy of interest-rate setting, leadership style and training inside the ECB, development of personnel and strategies pursued. Give publicity to such pluralistic approaches to the workings of the ECB and who benefits from and factors involved in how decisions are made in real life, how the institution is led and the staff developed at a professional and individual level and the institution at a collective level. There is the issue of monetary culture in the Member States, which is rarely being given any publicity nor treated in a systematic manner in the literature let alone policies adopted to induct a more uniform culture throughout the EU.

Communicate clearly on the internationalization of the €uro and its market share in relation to its use as an invoice currency compared to the EU’s weight in trading relationship, its market share in third countries reserves, and the issuance of €uro-denominated bonds as well how the IMF’s recommen-dations on exchange rate arrangements are being applied or diverged from by the ECB.

Pronounce policy and mention strategies and €uro-diplomacy conducted on behalf of the €uro to increase the euro’s international stature. Do not shy away from giving publicity to how an integrated Foreign Policy is being conducted by EEAS, DG Trade & ECB.

Announce policy on the €uro-denominated Green Bond and strategies pursued to increase the €uro—denominated Green Bonds neglible market share.

Give voice to and communicate better the ECB’s policy advisory on how €urope’s economy could develop and partner-up with the executive branches.

Allow for greater citizenry participation through more regular surveys, social media interaction and focus groups.

Ilce dixit