Security Council expresses its full support for the efforts of the Envoy to (1) bring an immediate end to all
violence and human rights violations,
secure humanitarian access, and (3)
facilitate a Syrian-led political transition to a democratic, plural political
system, in which citizens are equal regardless of their affiliations or
ethnicities or beliefs, including through (4)
commencing a comprehensive political dialogue between the Syrian Government and
the whole spectrum of the Syrian opposition.

“To this
aim, the Security Council fully supports the initial six-point proposal submitted to the Syrian
authorities, as outlined by the Envoy to the Security Council on 16 March
2012, to:

1) commit
to work with the Envoy in an inclusive Syrian-led political process to address
the legitimate aspirations and concerns of the Syrian people, and, to this end,
commit to appoint an empowered interlocutor when invited to do so by the Envoy;

2) commit
to stop the fighting and achieve urgently an effective United Nations supervised cessation of armed violence in all its
forms by all parties to protect civilians and stabilize the country.

To this
end, the Syrian Government should
immediately cease troop movements towards, and end the use of heavy weapons in,
population centres, and begin pullback of mili-tary concentrations in and
around population centres.

As these
actions are being taken on the ground, the Syrian Government should work with
the Envoy to bring about a sustained
cessation of armed violence in all its forms by all parties with an effective
United Nations supervision mechanism

Similar commitments would be sought by the Envoy from the
opposition and all relevant elements to stop the fighting and work with him to
bring about a sustained cessation of ar-med violence in all its forms by all
parties with an effective United Nations
supervision mechanism;

3) Ensure
timely provision of humanitarian assistance to all areas affected by the
fighting, and to this end, as immediate steps, to accept and implement a daily two-hour humani-tarian pause and
to coordinate exact time and modalities of the daily pause through an efficient mechanism, including at local

4) intensify the pace and scale of release of
arbitrarily detained persons
, including especially vulnerable categories of
persons, and persons involved in peaceful political activities, provide without
delay through appropriate channels a list of all places in which such persons
are being detained, immediately begin organizing access to such locations and
through appropriate channels respond promptly to all written requests for
information, access or release regarding such persons;

5) ensure freedom of movement throughout
the country for journalists and a non-discriminatory visa policy for them;

6) respect freedom of association and the
right to demonstrate peacefully
as legally guaranteed.

Security Council calls upon the Syrian Government and opposition to work in
good faith with the Envoy towards a peaceful settlement of the Syrian crisis
and to implement fully and immediately his initial
six-point proposal.

Security Council requests the Envoy to update the Council regularly and in a
timely manner on the progress of his mission. In light of these reports,
the Security Council will consider further steps as appropriate: “

of de-escalation of violence has subsequently been addressed by UNSCR2042,
stipulating that heavy weapons has to be redeployed and soldiers and tanks then
return to barracks. At the same time, the Security Council has ordered the
opposition from refraining from actions, leading the government to renege on
its obligations.

A step-by-step
approach could then be adopted towards a peaceful settlement in Syria:

1) Syrian FM sets-up a unit to liaise
with the UN: The UN Humanitarian Mission produces a report according to
international standards: Relief, Recovery & Reconstruction as agreed upon,
whereas DPKO provides technical assistance on modalities of PKF.

2) United Nations supervised cessation of armed violence. > Authorized under UNSCR2042 in two

3) EU: The
negotiations of the EU-Syria association agreement remains suspended, and
sanctions are frozen at their current level, provided fulfilment of Annan’s
six-point plan, which are divided into an initial phase and permanent one
towards settlement. The nor-malisation of EU-Syrian links furthermore requires
that the preamble of the Syrian constitution doesn’t violate Syria’s
commitments under the Barcelona-process.

4) The Syrian Government and SNC are to meet to three rounds of talks between
the next Friends of Syria-conference and before the elections in order to agree
on (1) State-ment on the Issues of
the Conflict : Implementation of Constitution, Economic Reform, Humanitarian
Issues etc etc (2) Dialogue Forum
between the Government and the oppo-sition is agreed as per the remit of the
UNSC Presidential Statement: The role and trai-ning of the Army ?
Constitutional Court ? The status of political parties under the law ? Jointly
Agreed Economic Reform Programme: From Soviet Back-water to Market Eco-nomy ? Parliamentary
influence over the budget ? Political Prisoners ? The competen-ces of the
National Comptroller vis-à-vis the President, Intelligence apparatus and Mini-stry
of Defence ? Ombudsman ? Establishment of independent commission for the vet-ting,
training and procedure for appointment of judges ? Date of election ? Truth and
Reconciliation Committee ? (3) The
Terms of a Unity Government ? Co-habitation ?

5) KSA rescinds weapons delivery to Syria in return for which Iran rescinds weapons ex-ports to the Houthi in Yemen.
Teheran accepts Lebanon’s
sovereign choices

6) Annan’s Six-point plan is fully implemented. Humanitarian Issues: Humanitarian corridor,
Internally displaced and Refugees are addressed in a systematic manner. This
has to be compared to the Syrian government’s wish to extend an amnesty.

7) Annan puts forward a consolidated mutually agreed plan for peaceful settlement to the conflict in Syria,
which is internal in nature, regional in scope and global in repercus-sions.
The extent of the persecution of crimes committed or otherwise not redeemed is
made subject to deliberation, so that the persecution of the most egregious
crimes assist in the transition process in Syria. The sensitive issue of Mr.
Bashaar Assad’s intentions under the Constitution may have to be deliberated at
this stage, too.

8) EU considers Syrian access to select
ENP-programmes with adequate expertise and fun-ding and Syrian participation in
sub-regional entities.

Russia reassures Syria on WMD,
inclusive through the despatch of security troops to relevant sites, to be
confirmed by EUMS to FMC.

CIB and
UN-administered DDR-programmes are to attain quasi-horizontal character under Barcelona-process,
integral to European policy and tool-box for transition management in the Mediterranean. At the same time, they are administrative
pointers to be buttressed and amplified by the politics of wider negotiations.

It is
recalled the despatch of the European Gendarmerie Corpse is subject to a
mandate by UN, EU or OSCE, and that its remit focuses on various aspects of
auxiliary policing tasks, whereas its level of armament can be modulated to the
character of the mission. EGF needs notification of one month for deployment,
and is currently partially deployed in Afghanistan under the overall command
of NATO’s EU Unit.

OIC Academy on Human Rights, Rule-of-Law &
Good Governance has ensued by then.

FMC then determines
the conditions under which high-level negotiations on a Euro-MED association
agreement with Syria
may be resumed.

What is
the significance of Chinese and Russian engagement then ?