The need
for a sustained effort to better manage and streamline the European air sector
has long been recognised. The topic is a intrinsically political issue, and
concerns the regulation of one of the essential thoroughfares of modernity. I
propose a streamlining of the European air space is now put on the agenda, and
that the currently fifty-odd something air sectors are reduced into seven
EU air sectors:

  1. British Isles: UK-Ireland-Shetlands
  2. Nordic region: Denmark (Faroe Islands-Greenland)-Sweden-Finland-Norway-Iceland
  3. Central Europe: Poland-Baltic
  4. Eastern Europe: Austria-Hungary-Romania-Moldova-Bulgaria
  5. Iberian: Spain-Portugal
  6. Mediterranean: Italy-
  7. Core Europe:

The EU air
sectors could rationalise the national divisions of airspaces in terms of administrative
under the Single European
Sky, subject to Eurocontrol’s supervision & guidelines.

approach has to be compatible with arrangements existing between ECAC and NATO,
subject to the stationing of relevant infrastructure and the creation of a
Single European Sky. Bruxelles would be an independent air space.

sectors, however, could also represent virtual military defence
districts of EU in the air. That is for peace times, given that EU has exclusive competence for air transport security, curtailing actual defense short of regular patrols.

There is
Agenda21, which underlines the strategic nature of air warfare to political
strategy, and outlines a strategy for rationalisation of the airborne
capabilities – jets – EU-countries could bring to bear on European defence. Or
a common European defence.

Closure of
national airspaces would remain a – circumscribed – national prerogative. Replacement of national air controllers
residing in non-viable airports would be a national responsibility

In the
alternative, there could be air sectors criss-crossing the current disjointed
air spaces, organised in national divisions. Meanwhile, weather-wise the EU
clearly must become a reliable actor, so that the European Aviation rules works
for the industry: the pilots and travellers, air companies and insurance

This then
paves the way for an out-of-court settlement on the Emission-dispute, ensuring
agreement that only U.S. airline companies with major EU Headquarters /hubs
operations in EU participates in the Emission-trading system. Mutual EU-US
airspace access agreement may then be negotiated.

European Airport Association launches a Green Airport Award.

Th Eu could buy Hydrogen-driven drones from Boeing for the use of FRONTEX, which could then be stationed around EU.

The U.S.
may the come to reconsider the award of the contract on re-fueling for the U.S. Air

On this
basis, the EU Commission may have to contemplate market structuring
arrangements for the EU Airline industry. Clean Sky might then be supplemented
by the choice of an air-line company from each of the branches:
Airline, Cargo and Charter for the introduction of Emission-free engines,
subject to dialogue with Stakeholders and aprtners alike, inclusive CND.