Below follows an Entwurf for a peace treaty between North and South Korea in terms of a Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between North and South Korea. The basic gist marks a departure from the approach of the six-party-talks, which would tend to subsume a number of lesser policy areas under overall armaments concerns. I believe this is necessary in order to break the current unstable deadlock on the Korean peninsula.

Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between North
Korea and South Korea

1. Preamble

Governments of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and of South Korea
hereby declare an end to belligerency between the two states, and decides to
establish full diplo-matic relations, calling upon the international community
to follow their example, in support of the development of their mutual
relationship, in peace and prosperity, and in a spirit of reconcialition and trust towards ultimate unification of the two

2. The
Demilitarized Zone ( DMZ)

Demilitarized Zone between the two Koreas forms the departure point for the
border between the two Koreas, observed and as codified following war in Asia
between 1940-1945 and 1950-53 on the Korean peninsula.

A joint
Inter-Korean Commission seconded by international experts shall help demarcate
the border and ensure freer travel between the two Koreas at a lower level of armament,
subject to resolution of outstanding issues.

The size
of the Demilitarized Zone is to be curtailed, and areas falling outside the new
border area, will be redeveloped.

3. Confidence
and Security Building Measures

A Hot
Line is to be established between the Heads of Governments of North Korea and
of South Korea.

A Truth and Reconciliation Commission will be
established between the two Koreas, to be supplemented by experts and
historians from neighbouring countries, to sit in session in Pyongyang.

The current family reunion programme will be extended
by people-to-peoples programmes and scholarships made available by the South
Korean government. This programme will also comprise A Network of North-South Friendship Cities.

The two industrial plants between North Korea and
South Korea will be extended to three, and international investors will be

China and North Korea will agree to the development of
two special economic zones (SEZ).

Following an investment study by the Asian Development
Bank (ADB), North Korea establishes an investment and export agency.

The World Bank agrees to supplement the study by the ADB,
mobilizing all UN agencies and organs in furtherance of declared public policy
goals of the North Korean government.

Both North Korea and South Korea shall make full use
of the UN-registrar of Arms for their arms exports.

A secretariat will be established at the Instiute for
Peace and Unification under the 4 July 1972 Communiqué in furtherance of the
objectives of this treaty in the format of TrackII-diplomacy.

A Human Rights Commission will be established in North Korea, and the prison service be modernised.

4. Political

Summits are envisaged between the Leader of North Korea and the President of
South Korea.

Dialogue is established between Heads of Government, Ministers of Foreign
Affairs, Ministers of Finance & Economy, Ministers of Defence, Ministers of
Interior, Ministers of Korean Affairs, Ministers of Health, Ministers of
Education & Science, Ministers of Culture & Ministers of Transport &
Energy in order to elaborate a joint inter-korean work program-me, to be
finalized by July 2017.

ministerials are prepared by working parties at the level of civil servants.

5. Areas
of Cooperation

of interactions and links are envisaged in the following areas: security &
de-fence , economic dialogue, trade, agriculture, transport & energy, IT,
research & develop-ment, education, post, telecommunication, water, social,
health, banking, culture, environ-ment & tourism,

6. International

The parties welcome North Korea’s integration into all
Asian cooperation schemes and dialogues
of relevance for the development of its international diplomacy, notably the
North-East Asian Cooperation (NEAC), the ASEAN+3, the Asian Regional Forum
(ARF), the Asian Development Bank (ADB) as well as the Asian Infrastructure and
Investment Bank. The Korean Energy Development Organisation ( KEDO) will be re-organised
to address joint infrastructure projects, deemed critical by both parties.

North Korea will
join the Sub-regional Office of East and North East Asia ( ESCAP-ENEA) of the
United Nations at the initialing of this agreement.

North Korea will initially participate in the South
Korean mission to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the Asian-Pacific
Economic Cooperation (APEC), as well as to the Asia-Europe Meeting ( ASEM), and following three years from the initialing of
this Treaty decide on its status in these three organisations.

shall host the secretariat of the North East Asia Peace and Cooperation
Initiative (NAPCI), which shall act as a think-tank for the parties’ foreign
ministers in furtherance of the objectives of this agreement.

7. Arbitration

parties agree to establish a Commission of arbitration to resolve disputes,
involving the witnesses to this agreement.

treaty is to be deposited in a Korean and an English version in the foreign
offices of the respective parties, following submittal to the UN Office of

Incheon April 2016


Kim Yang-gon


FM of Japan, China, the US & Russia.


Maps of
the Two Koreas with DMZ and currently observed border lines.

of References: Truth and Reconciliation Commission, ADB-Study & WB-study.

Maps of
Industrial Parks and SEZ.

List of
Content of Joint Inter-Ministerial Work Programme(s)

from Prime Minister Abe to President Kim Young-un.

concerning this Treaty